
Simple JSON writer implemented in C

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Simple JSON writer implemented in C.

It is able to write JSON data to: console, file, memory. Available backends: stdlibc, WinAPI.

The aim of JWriter99 is to be as seet as possible. In means os syntax sugar. I.e. it can be used maximally easy.


There are two types of a JSON serialization. The first:


It would be ideal, but not possible for C/C++ in general case since the info about class/struct members are not store in executable after compilation.

The second extreme is just print the strings like:

printf("{'all': 'my', 'complicated': 'code'}");

The programmer have to handle all brackets, commas etc in this case.

I wanted something in a middle, more close to printf variant. I.e. do not store intermediate data anywhere, just process it and put into some place on the fly.


The implementation is based on Serge Zaitsev's article: SYNTACTIC SUGAR IN C - (AB)USING “FOR” LOOPS

The code uses lots of macroses, so can be difficult to debug.

The main advantage of implementing JSON as a doman-specific language is short clear syntaxis and automatic opening/closing the brackets.


#include "JWriter99.c"

void main() {
    JStartConsoleObj {
        JParam("string", "value");
        JIntParam("int", 5);
        JCustomParam("printf-like", "%d.%02d.%d", 31, 2, 2019);

        JArr("array"){ JInt(3), JStr("string?"), JInt(7), JInt(1); }

        JObj("subobject") {
            JIntParam("ID", 67);

                JObjBlock {
                    JIntParam("ID", 23), JParam("color", "black");


For more complicated example see JWriter99.c


99 in the name means C compiler required standard: C99. Let's celebrate 20 year of the standard with some code. :-)