Primary LanguageDMGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


The code for CM-SS13 is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3, which can be found in full in /LICENSE-AGPL3.

Assets including icons and sound are under the Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license unless otherwise indicated. Authorship for assets including art and sound under the CC BY-SA license is defined as the active development team of CM-SS13 unless stated otherwise (by author of the commit).

All code is assumed to be licensed under AGPL v3 unless stated otherwise by file header. Commits before 9a001bf520f889b434acd295253a1052420860af are assumed to be licensed under GPLv3 and can be used in closed source repo.


Getting Started

CM-SS13 doesn't have a list of goals and features to add; we instead allow freedom for developers to suggest and create their ideas for the game. That doesn't mean we aren't determined to squash bugs, which unfortunately pop up a lot due to the deep complexity of the game. Here are some useful starting guides, if you want to contribute or if you want to know what challenges you can tackle with zero knowledge about the game's code structure.

While developers have the freedom to work on whatever they want, it falls to the team as a whole to decide if changes to the repository should be merged or not. This means that a merge request or change may be denied at the end, so understand that creative freedom does not grant you full reigns to commit anything to the repository without review, and you may have to deal with change requests or potential denial of your change.

To start contributing:

  1. Download and install your git client. GitKraken is recommended.

  2. Register and log into Gitlab. Wait for the Repository Owner to grant you access.

  3. Ensure you have Gitlab 2FA set up.

  4. Set up a Gitlab SSH key connection.

  5. Clone the repository with your git client.

  6. Read the contributor guidelines.

Meet the Team


The Owner is responsible for controlling, adding, and removing maintainers from the project. While the Head Developer is officially in charge of the Development team, the Owner is a formal position to ensure ownership of the repository remains in the hands of the Hosts.

Head Developer

The Head Developer has the final say on what changes get into and out of the repository. He or she has full veto power on any feature or balance additions, changes, or removals, and establishes a general, personally-preferred direction for the game. The Head Developer is also the Development team lead, and manages team structure, direction, composition and integrity.

System Administrator

The System Administrator assists the Host & Vice Host in managing and maintaining the security and day-to-day operation of the game server and its myriad configuration details. They must be available and online often and easily enough via readily-available means of communication i.e. Discord for emergencies.

While not directly a part of the development team, the System Administrator has access to branch switching, repository access, and relevant dev channels for the purpose of supporting the team when needed.


Maintainers are responsible for doing reviews on any contributions made to CM by contributors and fellow developers in their respective fields of expertise. Maintainers are considered to be above normal developers in their own fields and can override decisions made by another developer or contributor should they deem it necessary.

Gameplay Architects

Gameplay Architects’ (GA) oversees the balance of features and content going into the repository and decide on the games overall balance, this includes old content that have been added in the past and they may request changes to merge requests on the grounds of balance. GA’s can also authorize pure number changes for a contributor to make, but it is still susceptible for review by other GA’s.


Developers refers to everyone in the development team. As a part of the development team, you are required to meet the guidelines and standards set by the Leads and the team when contributing to the repository. As well as contributing to the repository, Developers are in charge of handling the review of open MRs, as well as the management of suggestions and issues.


Contributors refer to anyone outside of the development team contributing to the repository in the form of MRs. Much like Developers, you are required to follow this document with regards to code quality and standards. As a contributor, you may only open MRs with changes related to bugs, runtimes, or Accepted Suggestions on the Gitlab issue tracker, which are handled by the development team.

Merge Requests

All Merge Requests (except Dev to Master MRs) must either target a work-in-progress branch, or the Dev branch. No one may push to master.

All features added to Dev must come through a Merge Request. No one, except for changelog merges during a Dev to Master MR, may push to Dev without a Merge Request.

All Merge Requests (except Dev to Master MRs) should be appropriately tagged. Any MR that is not complete and ready for review should be marked with a WIP: in the title and the DO NOT MERGE tag. Add any tags that apply to your MR, without being excessive.

Merge Requests should include a copy of the changelog entries for that branch in its description or, if no changelog is required (hotfixes, typo corrections, and other very minor changes) include a description of the changes manually (unless it can be fully explained in the MR title).

Merge Requests targeting Dev should be set to squash commits and remove the branch when the merge is complete to keep the repository clean. Merge requests to Master should never do this.

All Merge Requests must wait for the CI pipeline to complete before merging unless there is a confirmed issue with the unit tests themselves.

All Merge Requests require two valid Approvals to merge into Dev immediately, or one valid Approval by a Developer or higher and at least 24 hours of awaiting further approval. See Approvals below to determine who/when to approve an MR. MRs should only be approved once all discussions opened during review of the MR are resolved.

All Merge Requests should have one of the following tags:

  • Pending Review: The MR is awaiting code review, or has addressed all comments and is awaiting re-review.
  • Awaiting Author: The MR has comments to address before progressing further.
  • Needs Testing: The MR needs further testing, potentially in a live environment.

Merge requests should not include multiple sweeping changes unrelated to each other. Developers must split up and create multiple MRs for each of their changes where necessary so as to keep them organized as their own standalone feature or change. The only time multiple changes in an MR is acceptible is when submitting bugfixes to the repository.

Once a Merge Request is approved and merged into Dev, ensure that all changelog files are forwarded to the Wiki Maintainer, as well as any art assets or additional information they request; changes that are not included in the Changelog, but can be accessed or interacted with by players, should additionally be forwarded to the Wiki Maintainer.

Changelogs follow a specific format. To correctly create a changelog, make a copy of Example.yml and do the following:

  1. Rename your copy to your name and some identifying information (usually the branch name, or something similar), following the format of the example.
  2. Open the renamed copy and change the Author to be a complete list of contributors to the branch or, if you feel the need to make a given change anonymous, you may use the pseudonym ‘John Titor’ instead.
  3. Follow the instructions provided in the file to correctly assemble a discrete list of changes. Where possible, provide a link or reference to the Gitlab issues related to each change, by ID number (i.e. #3445).
  4. Ensure that you are using your escape characters appropriately. If you want to have a quotation mark “ appear in the changelog entry, you need to escape it, i.e. \” so that the changelog generator doesn’t get confused.
  5. Ensure that you are indenting the entries with the correct number of spaces, as described in the file’s instructions. Include the .yml file in your staged changes when pushing to your branch.

These files are used by the changelog generation tool (see Dev Tool Usage below) to create cohesive, conflict-free changelog entries.

Issues Tracker

Potential bugs can be submitted to the project issue tracker on GitLab. While we appreciate suggestions, they should not be posted here to make triaging technical issues and fixing bugs easier. You are encouraged to use the official CM13 discord instead for this, in particular the #ideaguys channel for feature suggestions of all kind and what-ifs.

When submitting an issue, use the provided template. A few things to keep in mind for a good issue report maximizing the chance of finding and fixing it:

  • Search quickly for existing related issues - add info there if applicable rather than duplicating them
  • Stay factual and as concise as possible
  • If possible, attempt to reproduce and confirm the issue, and detail steps
  • Generally check the Todo list in the issue template - the more can be checked, the better

The tracker is a powerful tool - it might look pointless, but ensures what's there can be known by anyone, team members and contributors alike, and won't be forgotten. This maximizes chances of issues being resolved. Don't be afraid to use it.


As mentioned before, you are expected to follow these specifications in order to make everyone's lives easier. It'll save both your time and ours, by making sure you don't have to make any changes and we don't have to ask you to.

You touch it, You fix it clause

If you make more than minor changes to a piece of poor or legacy code a maintainer may force you to bring the whole section of code up to current coding standards.

Don't use dreammaker

BYOND's packaged editor called DreamMaker is not a good piece of software and does not make your contributions easily follow the guidelines as enforced by .editorconfig and .gitattributes

For coding it's recommended you use VS Code (and install the recommended plugins that it suggests to you automatically, see: (here)[.vscode\extensions.json])

For mapping it's recommended you use StrongDmm.

For spriting it's recommended you draw your sprites in your image editor of choice then only use DreamMaker for the final step of opening the .dmi files and adding/updating the icon states.

Object Oriented Code

As BYOND's Dream Maker (henceforth "DM") is an object-oriented language, code must be object-oriented when possible in order to be more flexible when adding content to it.

All BYOND paths must contain the full path

(i.e. absolute pathing)

DM will allow you nest almost any type keyword into a block, such as:

// Not our style!
			varname1 = 1

			varname1 = 0
				. = ..()

The use of this is not allowed in this project as it makes finding definitions via full text searching next to impossible. The only exception is the variables of an object may be nested to the object, but must not nest further.

The previous code made compliant:

// Matches /tg/station style.

	varname1 = 0
	. = ..()

All process procs need to make use of delta-time and be frame independent

In a lot of our older code, process() is frame dependent. Here's some example mob code:

	var/health = 100
	var/health_loss = 4 //We want to lose 2 health per second, so 4 per SSmobs process

/mob/testmob/process(delta_time) //SSmobs runs once every 2 seconds
	health -= health_loss

As the mobs subsystem runs once every 2 seconds, the mob now loses 4 health every process, or 2 health per second. This is called frame dependent programming.

Why is this an issue? If someone decides to make it so the mobs subsystem processes once every second (2 times as fast), your effects in process() will also be two times as fast. Resulting in 4 health loss per second rather than 2.

How do we solve this? By using delta-time. Delta-time is the amount of seconds you would theoretically have between 2 process() calls. In the case of the mobs subsystem, this would be 2 (As there is 2 seconds between every call in process()). Here is a new example using delta-time:

	var/health = 100
	var/health_loss = 2 //Health loss every second

/mob/testmob/process(delta_time) //SSmobs runs once every 2 seconds
	health -= health_loss * delta_time

In the above example, we made our health_loss variable a per second value rather than per process. In the actual process() proc we then make use of deltatime. Because SSmobs runs once every 2 seconds. Delta_time would have a value of 2. This means that by doing health_loss * delta_time, you end up with the correct amount of health_loss per process, but if for some reason the SSmobs subsystem gets changed to be faster or slower in a PR, your health_loss variable will work the same.

For example, if SSmobs is set to run once every 4 seconds, it would call process once every 4 seconds and multiply your health_loss var by 4 before subtracting it. Ensuring that your code is frame independent.

No overriding type safety checks

The use of the : operator to override type safety checks is not allowed. You must cast the variable to the proper type.

Type paths must begin with a /

eg: /datum/thing, not datum/thing

Type paths must be snake case

eg: /datum/blue_bird, not /datum/BLUEBIRD or /datum/BlueBird or /datum/Bluebird or /datum/blueBird

Datum type paths must began with "datum"

In DM, this is optional, but omitting it makes finding definitions harder.

Do not use text/string based type paths

Do not put type paths in a text format, as there are no compile errors if the type path no longer exists. Here is an example:

var/path_type = /obj/item/baseball_bat

var/path_type = "/obj/item/baseball_bat"

Use var/name format when declaring variables

While DM allows other ways of declaring variables, this one should be used for consistency.

Tabs, not spaces

You must use tabs to indent your code, NOT SPACES.

Do not use tabs/spaces for indentation in the middle of a code line. Not only is this inconsistent because the size of a tab is undefined, but it means that, should the line you're aligning to change size at all, we have to adjust a ton of other code. Plus, it often time hurts readability.

// Bad
#define SPECIES_MOTH			"moth"
#define SPECIES_LIZARDMAN		"lizardman"
#define SPECIES_FELINID			"felinid"

// Good
#define SPECIES_MOTH "moth"
#define SPECIES_LIZARDMAN "lizardman"
#define SPECIES_FELINID "felinid"

No hacky code

Hacky code, such as adding specific checks, is highly discouraged and only allowed when there is no other option. (Protip: "I couldn't immediately think of a proper way so thus there must be no other option" is not gonna cut it here! If you can't think of anything else, say that outright and admit that you need help with it. Maintainers exist for exactly that reason.)

You can avoid hacky code by using object-oriented methodologies, such as overriding a function (called "procs" in DM) or sectioning code into functions and then overriding them as required.

No duplicated code

Copying code from one place to another may be suitable for small, short-time projects, but CM is a long-term project and highly discourages this.

Instead you can use object orientation, or simply placing repeated code in a function, to obey this specification easily.

Startup/Runtime setup of lists and the usage of LAZY operations

First, read the comments in this BYOND thread, starting where the link takes you.

Lazy instantiation as a whole is about not instantiating objects before you actually use them. In terms of lists this means only declaring (but not defining) your list in the definition or defining it as null.

Before you use the list in your code (anywhere), you use LAZYINITLIST(L), which just checks if the list has been defined and creates it for you if not.

When adding or removing elements to/from the list, use LAZYREMOVE(L, I)/LAZYADD(L, I). It's just a wrapper for checking if the list exists first, but for additions it will create the list if it doesn't exist, and for removals it also nulls the list if it's empty after the removal. Therefore it's important to be consistent about your use of lazy instantiation. LAZYINSERT(L, I, X) does the obvious, but LAZYDISTINCTADD(L, I) only inserts into the list if I does not already exist in the list.

All the above are for indexed lists. If you use associative lists, use LAZYSET(L, A, I), which performs L[A] = I.

For list access, use LAZYACCESS(L, I), which gets you L[I].

Other defines are LAZYLEN(L) which gives you the length of the list, LAZYISIN(L, I) which is basically an in keyword replacement, and LAZYCLEARLIST(L) which clears the full list for you.

One important thing to note is that all these defines have null safety. I.e. it'll check if the list exists first for you and create it if it doesn't when needed.

Prefer Initialize() over New() for atoms

Our game controller is pretty good at handling long operations and lag, but it can't control what happens when the map is loaded, which calls New for all atoms on the map. If you're creating a new atom, use the Initialize proc to do what you would normally do in New. This cuts down on the number of proc calls needed when the world is loaded. See here for details on Initialize: https://github.com/tgstation/tgstation/blob/34775d42a2db4e0f6734560baadcfcf5f5540910/code/game/atoms.dm#L166 While we normally encourage (and in some cases, even require) bringing out of date code up to date when you make unrelated changes near the out of date code, that is not the case for New -> Initialize conversions. These systems are generally more dependant on parent and children procs so unrelated random conversions of existing things can cause bugs that take months to figure out.

Use qdel() over del() for deleting atoms

To tie in with using Initialize, atoms must use the garbage collector's qdel(atom) function in order to queue deletions instead of hard-calling del(). The priority of an atom's deletion can be marked with qdel hints (such as GC_HINT_DELETE_NOW).

All datums must correctly nullify and delete all stored references to other datums within their Destroy() proc. The Destroy() proc should call parent, return its deletion hint or one of its own, and never be called directly.

No magic numbers or strings

This means stuff like having a "mode" variable for an object set to "1" or "2" with no clear indicator of what that means. Make these #defines with a name that more clearly states what it's for. For instance:


There's no indication of what "1" and "2" mean! Instead, you'd do something like this:


This is clearer and enhances readability of your code! Get used to doing it!

Use TRUE and FALSE for boolean logic instead of 1 and 0.

			return TRUE
			return FALSE

Control statements

(if, while, for, etc)

  • All control statements must not contain code on the same line as the statement (if (blah) return)
  • All control statements comparing a variable to a number should use the formula of thing operator number, not the reverse (eg: if (count <= 10) not if (10 >= count))

Use early return

Do not enclose a proc in an if-block when returning on a condition is more feasible This is bad:

	if (thing1)
		if (!thing2)
			if (thing3 == 30)
				do stuff

This is good:

	if (!thing1)
	if (thing2)
	if (thing3 != 30)
	do stuff

This prevents nesting levels from getting deeper then they need to be.

Use our time defines

The codebase contains some defines which will automatically multiply a number by the correct amount to get a number in deciseconds. Using these is preffered over using a literal amount in deciseconds.

The defines are as follows:


This is bad:

	if(do_after(mob, 15))

This is good:

	if(do_after(mob, 1.5 SECONDS))

Getters and setters

  • Avoid getter procs. They are useful tools in languages with that properly enforce variable privacy and encapsulation, but DM is not one of them. The upfront cost in proc overhead is met with no benefits, and it may tempt to develop worse code.

This is bad:

	return gotten_variable

Prefer to either access the variable directly or use a macro/define.

  • Make usage of variables or traits, set up through condition setters, for a more maintainable alternative to compex and redefined getters.

These are bad:

	return condition ? VALUE_A : VALUE_B

	return condition ? VALUE_C : VALUE_D

This is good:


	if(condition == new_value)
	condition = new_value

	getter_turned_into_variable = condition ? VALUE_A : VALUE_B

	getter_turned_into_variable = condition ? VALUE_C : VALUE_D

Avoid unnecessary type checks and obscuring nulls in lists

Typecasting in for loops carries an implied istype() check that filters non-matching types, nulls included. The as anything key can be used to skip the check.

If we know the list is supposed to only contain the desired type then we want to skip the check not only for the small optimization it offers, but also to catch any null entries that may creep into the list.

Nulls in lists tend to point to improperly-handled references, making hard deletes hard to debug. Generating a runtime in those cases is more often than not positive.

This is bad:

var/list/bag_of_atoms = list(new /obj, new /mob, new /atom, new /atom/movable, new /atom/movable)
var/highest_alpha = 0
for(var/atom/thing in bag_of_atoms)
	if(thing.alpha <= highest_alpha)
	highest_alpha = thing.alpha

This is good:

var/list/bag_of_atoms = list(new /obj, new /mob, new /atom, new /atom/movable, new /atom/movable)
var/highest_alpha = 0
for(var/atom/thing as anything in bag_of_atoms)
	if(thing.alpha <= highest_alpha)
	highest_alpha = thing.alpha

Signal Handlers

All procs that are registered to listen for signals using RegisterSignal() must contain at the start of the proc SIGNAL_HANDLER eg;

	// rest of the code

This is to ensure that it is clear the proc handles signals and turns on a lint to ensure it does not sleep.

There exists SIGNAL_HANDLER_DOES_SLEEP, but this is only for legacy signal handlers that still sleep, new/changed code should not use this.

Enforcing parent calling

When adding new signals to root level procs, eg;

	dir = newdir

The SHOULD_CALL_PARENT(TRUE) lint should be added to ensure that overrides/child procs call the parent chain and ensure the signal is sent.

Use descriptive and obvious names

Optimize for readability, not writability. While it is certainly easier to write M than victim, it will cause issues down the line for other developers to figure out what exactly your code is doing, even if you think the variable's purpose is obvious.

Don't use abbreviations

Avoid variables like C, M, and H. Prefer names like "user", "victim", "weapon", etc.

// What is M? The user? The target?
// What is A? The target? The item?
/proc/use_item(mob/M, atom/A)

// Much better!
/proc/use_item(mob/user, atom/target)

Unless it is otherwise obvious, try to avoid just extending variables like "C" to "carbon"--this is slightly more helpful, but does not describe the context of the use of the variable.

Naming things when typecasting

When typecasting, keep your names descriptive:

var/mob/living/living_target = target
var/mob/living/carbon/carbon_target = living_target

Of course, if you have a variable name that better describes the situation when typecasting, feel free to use it.

Note that it's okay, semantically, to use the same variable name as the type, e.g.:


Your editor may highlight the variable names, but BYOND, and we, accept these as variable names:

// This functions properly!
var/client/client = CLIENT_FROM_VAR(usr)
// vvv this may be highlighted, but it's fine!
client << browse(...)

Name things as directly as possible

was_called is better than has_been_called. notify is better than do_notification.

Avoid negative variable names

is_flying is better than is_not_flying. late is better than not_on_time. This prevents double-negatives (such as if (!is_not_flying) which can make complex checks more difficult to parse.

Exceptions to variable names

Exceptions can be made in the case of inheriting existing procs, as it makes it so you can use named parameters, but new variable names must follow these standards. It is also welcome, and encouraged, to refactor existing procs to use clearer variable names.

Naming numeral iterator variables i is also allowed, but do remember to Avoid unnecessary type checks and obscuring nulls in lists, and making more descriptive variables is always encouraged.

// Bad
for (var/datum/reagent/R as anything in reagents)

// Good
for (var/datum/reagent/deadly_reagent as anything in reagents)

// Allowed, but still has the potential to not be clear. What does `i` refer to?
for (var/i in 1 to 12)

// Better
for (var/month in 1 to 12)

// Bad, only use `i` for numeral loops
for (var/i in reagents)

Use Type macros for commonly used typechecks

If you need to use a typecheck multiple times for a specific type path, create an istype macro within the #define/type_check folder.

#define isbrain(A) (istype(A, /mob/living/brain))

Develop Secure Code

  • Player input must always be escaped safely, we recommend you use stripped_input in all cases where you would use input. Essentially, just always treat input from players as inherently malicious and design with that use case in mind

  • Calls to the database must be escaped properly - use sanitizeSQL to escape text based database entries from players or admins, and isnum() for number based database entries from players or admins.

  • All calls to topics must be checked for correctness. Topic href calls can be easily faked by clients, so you should ensure that the call is valid for the state the item is in. Do not rely on the UI code to provide only valid topic calls, because it won't.

  • Information that players could use to metagame (that is, to identify round information and/or antagonist type via information that would not be available to them in character) should be kept as administrator only.

  • It is recommended as well you do not expose information about the players - even something as simple as the number of people who have readied up at the start of the round can and has been used to try to identify the round type.

  • Where you have code that can cause large-scale modification and FUN, make sure you start it out locked behind one of the default admin roles - use common sense to determine which role fits the level of damage a function could do.


  • Because runtime errors do not give the full path, try to avoid having files with the same name across folders.

  • File names should not be mixed case, or contain spaces or any character that would require escaping in a uri.

  • Files and path accessed and referenced by code simply being #included should be strictly lowercase to avoid issues on filesystems where case matters.

Mapping Standards

  • TGM Format & Map Merge

    • All new maps submitted to the repo through a merge request must be in TGM format (unless there is a valid reason present to have it in the default BYOND format.) This is done using the Map Merge utility included in the repo to convert the file to TGM format.
    • Likewise, you MUST run Map Merge prior to opening your MR when updating existing maps to minimize the change differences (even when using third party mapping programs such as FastDMM.)
      • Failure to run Map Merge on a map after using third party mapping programs (such as FastDMM) greatly increases the risk of the map's key dictionary becoming corrupted by future edits after running map merge. Resolving the corruption issue involves rebuilding the map's key dictionary; id est rewriting all the keys contained within the map by reconverting it from BYOND to TGM format - which creates very large differences that ultimately delay the MR process and is extremely likely to cause merge conflicts with other merge requests.
  • Variable Editing (Var-edits)

    • While var-editing an item within the editor is perfectly fine, it is STRONGLY PREFERRED that when you are changing the base behavior of an item (how it functions) that you make a new subtype of that item within the code, especially if you plan to use the item in multiple locations on the same map, or across multiple maps. This makes it easier to make corrections as needed to all instances of the item at one time as opposed to having to find each instance of it and change them all individually.
    • Please attempt to clean out any dirty variables that may be contained within items you alter through var-editing. For example, due to how DM functions, changing the pixel_x variable from 23 to 0 will leave a dirty record in the map's code of pixel_x = 0. Likewise this can happen when changing an item's icon to something else and then back. This can lead to some issues where an item's icon has changed within the code, but becomes broken on the map due to it still attempting to use the old entry.
    • Areas should not be var-edited on a map to change it's name or attributes. All areas of a single type and it's altered instances are considered the same area within the code, and editing their variables on a map can lead to issues with powernets and event subsystems which are difficult to debug.

User Interfaces



  • Operators that should be separated by spaces
    • Boolean and logic operators like &&, || <, >, ==, etc (but not !)
    • Bitwise AND &
    • Argument separator operators like , (and ; when used in a forloop)
    • Assignment operators like = or += or the like
  • Operators that should not be separated by spaces
    • Bitwise OR |
    • Access operators like . and :
    • Parentheses ()
    • logical not !

Math operators like +, -, /, *, etc are up in the air, just choose which version looks more readable.


  • Bitwise AND - '&'
    • Should be written as bitfield & bitflag NEVER bitflag & bitfield, both are valid, but the latter is confusing and nonstandard.
  • Associated lists declarations must have their key value quoted if it's a string
    • WRONG: list(a = "b")
    • RIGHT: list("a" = "b")

Dream Maker Quirks/Tricks

Like all languages, Dream Maker has its quirks, some of them are beneficial to us, like these

In-To for-loops

for(var/i = 1, i <= some_value, i++) is a fairly standard way to write an incremental for loop in most languages (especially those in the C family), but DM's for(var/i in 1 to some_value) syntax is oddly faster than its implementation of the former syntax; where possible, it's advised to use DM's syntax. (Note, the to keyword is inclusive, so it automatically defaults to replacing <=; if you want < then you should write it as 1 to some_value-1). You can use the step keyword to iterate at different steps (e.g. i-- or i -= 2). It would go like for (var/i in 100 to 0 step -1).

HOWEVER, if either some_value or i changes within the body of the for (underneath the for(...) header) or if you are looping over a list AND changing the length of the list then you can NOT use this type of for-loop!

Operator precedence

See The BYOND reference

Placement of operators and bracketing can affect the outcome of certain logic within DM code, and it's important to make sure you are writing the correct condition checking when making situationals.

A common mistake that's easy to fall for is that bitwise AND has a lower operator precedence than equality checks, so a & b == c evaluates to a & (b == c) instead of (a & b) == c as most sane people would probably expect

Dot variable

Like other languages in the C family, DM has a . or "Dot" operator, used for accessing variables/members/functions of an object instance. eg:

var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = YOU_THE_READER

However, DM also has a dot variable, accessed just as . on its own, defaulting to a value of null. Now, what's special about the dot operator is that it is automatically returned (as in the return statement) at the end of a proc, provided the proc does not already manually return (return count for example.) Why is this special?

With . being everpresent in every proc, can we use it as a temporary variable? Of course we can! However, the . operator cannot replace a typecasted variable - it can hold data any other var in DM can, it just can't be accessed as one, although the . operator is compatible with a few operators that look weird but work perfectly fine, such as: .++ for incrementing .'s value, or .[1] for accessing the first element of ., provided that it's a list.

Globals versus static

DM has a var keyword, called global. This var keyword is for vars inside of types. For instance:

	var/global/thing = TRUE

This does NOT mean that you can access it everywhere like a global var. Instead, it means that that var will only exist once for all instances of its type, in this case that var will only exist once for all mobs - it's shared across everything in its type. (Much more like the keyword static in other languages like PHP/C++/C#/Java)

Isn't that confusing?

There is also an undocumented keyword called static that has the same behaviour as global but more correctly describes BYOND's behaviour. Therefore, we always use static instead of global where we need it, as it reduces suprise when reading BYOND code.


Bitflags are a method of defining properties of an atom in order to pass or fail checks in other sections of the code. Bitflags should be used as a replacement for any single true/false boolean variable that may be tied to a type, so that atom defines do not end up with hundreds of unique booleans to track.

For instance:

#define ITEM_FLAG_BOUNCY (1<<2)
#define ITEM_FLAG_SQUEAKY (1<<3)

    if(flags_atom & ITEM_FLAG_BOUNCY)


Additionally, always use bitshift formatting as shown above when defining bitflags.

You are limited to 24 bits when doing bitwise operations, eg (1<<23) is the biggest bitflag supported.

Span Macros

In the case where span classes are required, for strings and text to be displayed to a user, span macros should be used to encapsulate and style where necessary.

For instance:

to_chat(SPAN_WARNING("You are on fire!"))

Other Notes

  • Code should be modular where possible; if you are working on a new addition, then strongly consider putting it in its own file unless it makes sense to put it with similar ones (i.e. a new tool would go in the "tools.dm" file)

  • Bloated code may be necessary to add a certain feature, which means there has to be a judgement over whether the feature is worth having or not. You can help make this decision easier by making sure your code is modular.

  • You are expected to help maintain the code that you add, meaning that if there is a problem then you are likely to be approached in order to fix any issues, runtimes, or bugs.

  • Do not divide when you can easily convert it to multiplication. (ie 4/2 should be done as 4*0.5, because it's slightly faster). When the divisor is a variable then you should instead use multiplication or guard against divide by zero errors.

  • If you used regex to replace code during development of your code, post the regex in your MR for the benefit of future developers.

  • Changes to the /config tree must be made in a way that allows for updating server deployments while preserving previous behaviour. This is due to the fact that the config tree is to be considered owned by the server and not necessarily updated alongside the remainder of the code. The code to preserve previous behaviour may be removed at some point in the future given the OK by developers.

  • English/British spelling on var/proc names

    • Color/Colour - both are fine, but keep in mind that BYOND uses color as a base variable
  • Space usage in control statements

    • if() and if () - Spaces should be used between conditions, but never between brackets: if(istype(src, /obj/item) && (unacidable || indestructible))
  • Space usage in lists

    • Lists should only have spaces after commas: var/list/new_list = list(foo, bar, x, y)

Merge Request Process

  • Make sure your merge request complies.

  • You are going to be expected to document all your changes in the merge request. Failing to do so will mean delaying it as we will have to question why you made the change. On the other hand, you can speed up the process by making the merge request readable and easy to understand, with diagrams or before/after data.

  • Use the changelog system to document your change, which prevents our players from being caught unaware by changes.

  • If you are proposing multiple changes, which change many different aspects of the code, you are expected to section them off into different merge requests in order to make it easier to review them and to deny/accept the changes that are deemed acceptable.

  • If your merge request is accepted, the code you add no longer belongs exclusively to you but to everyone; everyone is free to work on it, but you are also free to support or object to any changes being made, which will likely hold more weight, as you're the one who added the feature. It is a shame this has to be explicitly said, but there have been cases where this would've saved some trouble.

  • Explain why you are submitting the merge request, and how you think your change will be beneficial to the game. Failure to do so will be grounds for rejecting the MR.

  • If your merge request is not finished make sure it is at least testable in a live environment. merge requests that do not at least meet this requirement will be closed. You may reopen the merge request when you're ready, or make a new one.


Valid Approvals are required for an MR to be merged to Dev. Approving an MR implies that certain actions have been taken by the approving party and that certain conditions are met:

  1. For MRs that include coding changes, at least one of the approving parties must be a Coder or a Developer+.
  2. For MRs that include spriting changes, at least one of the approving parties must be a Spriter+. The Lead Spriter may waive this requirement on a case-by-case basis.
  3. For MRs that include mapping changes, at least one of the approving parties must be a Mapper or a Senior Developer+.
  4. For MRs with a mixture of changes, all of the above requirements must be met; a Developer+ counts as a Coder and Mapper for this purpose and only one Developer is required in such a case. Additionally, Spriters who contribute to the MR may permit an approving Developer to review the MR in lieu of another Spriter doing so; the Lead Spriter may veto this to review it themselves at their discretion.
  5. The approving party must observe all changes in the MR relevant to their rank and conclude that they fit our standards of quality.
  6. Approving parties must ensure that necessary testing has been conducted in a satisfactory manner (see Testing below).

All Merge Requests must wait for the CI pipeline to complete before merging unless there is a confirmed issue with the unit tests themselves.

Merge Requests require two valid Approvals to merge into Dev immediately, or one valid Approval by a Developer or higher and at least 24 hours of awaiting further approval. MRs should only be approved once all discussions opened during review of the MR are resolved.

Once a Merge Request is approved and merged into dev, ensure that all changelog files are forwarded to the Wiki Maintainer, as well as any art assets or additional information they request.

Updating Master

The master branch, in place to act as the stable build of the game, should remain separate from upcoming changes in the dev branch.

In order to update master with new changes, a "dev to master" must be overseen by the Head Developer. This is performed by submitting a Merge Request from dev into master. Before merge, all changelogs must be compiled via the changelog generation tool.

Dev to masters must be preceded by a period of live testing on the dev branch, and any new runtimes and bugs must be handled before a merge is considered.


Testing of new features is absolutely vital to ensuring smooth integration of new and changed content. It’s also deceptively necessary even for small bugfixes and features or tiny tweaks; it’s all too easy to change just a line or two, assume that it works, and push it because it compiles.

Unit Testing

Unit Testing allows you to run large scale tests quickly by writing out a set of instructions for the server to run by itself. They can be defined under /test and can be triggered in the debug tools, as well as during any MR build test. When the code can be tested quickly by the server, consider writing a unit test for it (meaning if your code has to wait for an event or sleep, don't write a test).

Before Merging

The following are mandatory before merging an MR into Dev, to be overridden only by those with Dev to Master merge permissions, and only in emergency or immediately-rectifiable cases (i.e. a single forgotten escape character or quotation mark to close a string).

  1. Compile locally. This is to save you time waiting for the pipeline to fail.
  2. Run a local instance and directly test that the intended change has occurred. Enlist additional help in #dev-test if you need extra hands. Some high-level changes are too complex to fully test without the server’s population stressing them, but it’s best to at least test that the new content doesn’t produce runtime errors or etc.
  3. Test for unintended consequences where possible. Consider what other elements of the game may interact with the change and simulate what might occur. For example, test what happens when a machine is blown up while it’s performing some process, ensure that a new action can’t be taken while stunned or knocked down, and so on.
  4. Observe that the CI pipeline for your MR has completed with no issues.

Local Testing

Dream Daemon can be unintuitive to set up. This document will cover the basic steps for setting up a local instance for testing with. It won’t go over port forwarding; Google handles that nicely.

  1. Compile, if you haven’t already.
  2. Start Dream Daemon from the gear icon in the BYOND hub.
  3. Locate and select the Colonial Marines repository .dmb file for running.
  4. Set the trust level to Trusted.
  5. Set a fixed port, and forward it if you haven’t already.
  6. Press Go, wait for the server to spin up, and enter with the small yellow Join button.

Be sure Dream Daemon is inactive when compiling, as it locks up assets and prevents recompiling in some cases.

Unit tests can be run locally with DreamDaemon ColonialMarinesALPHA.dme someport -trusted -params "run_tests=1&verbose_tests=1" or by hosting a server and using the debug verbs for running test cases. If you've only made changes relevant to one test set you can use the world parameter test_set to run only the specified test set, i.e. -params "run_tests=1&verbose_tests=1&test_set=\"Maps\""

Live Testing

The Host, System Administrator, Head Developer, and Senior Developers can change which branch is active on the game server. This allows the Team to test a feature without spoiling other upcoming features in Dev, to test Dev features for a short time to gather feedback before permanent release, and so on.

Senior Developers+ may authorize a test. The Head Dev must be informed of what is being tested and when, prior to conducting the test; it is not necessary to request specific permission to run a test so long as it is authorized by a Senior Developer+, only to ensure that the Head Dev is aware of it.

Public tests must be supervised by at least one Developer+, with the change owner either being present or authorising another Developer+ to oversee their test. Any stand-in Developers for the author must be fully aware of the test's changes and functionality.

Upon completing the public test, follow up with the Head Dev and describe the results of the test and what actions will be taken in response to the collected data. It is among the Head Dev’s responsibilities to compare the Team’s perspective on experimental features to feedback from the community - informing them is essential.

A word on Git

This repository uses LF line endings for all code as specified in the .gitattributes and .editorconfig files.

Unless overridden or a non standard git binary is used the line ending settings should be applied to your clone automatically.

Note: VSC requires an extension to take advantage of editorconfig.