A python program to OCR videos
Adapted (aka shamelessly stolen) from the bash based video OCR Yolocr (https://git.clapity.eu/Id/YoloCR)
It uses vapoursynth, ffmpeg and tesseract along with some python modules
- python 3+ (Use the 32-bit version on Windows, because pyEnchant does not support Win64)
- vapoursynth
- tesseract
- (optionnal) Vapoursynth Editor
Python, ffmpeg and vspipe (vapoursynth) should be in the PATH
Install vapoursynth plugins:
- For Windows:
- Unzip the content of dependecies/Win/vapoursynth_dep.zip to your vapoursynth plugin folder
- Unzip the content of dependecies/Win/python_dep.zip to your python site-packages folder
- For Linux:
- install Vapoursynth-plugins (or use my containerized version of pythoCR)
Install (from pip) python prerequisites:
$pip3 install colorama configargparse pyEnchant numpy opencv-python tqdm
clone this repository
Here, you're done.
$python3 pythOcr.py --help
usage: PythoCR [-h] [--version] [-c CONFIG] [-l language] [-wd folder]
[-o folder] [--log-level level] [--ass-style style]
[-rr path to regex-replace json] [-hcr char,replace]
[--sub-format format] [--mode mode] [--vpy vpy_file]
[--threads number] [--auto-same-sub-threshold number]
[--same-sub-threshold number] [--no-spellcheck] [-t] [-d]
[--tesseract-path path to tesseract binary]
[--vapoursynth-path path to vspipe binary]
path [path ...]
Filters a video and extracts subtitles as srt or ass. Args that start with
'--' (eg. --version) can also be set in a config file (specified via -c).
Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details,
see syntax at https://goo.gl/R74nmi). If an arg is specified in more than one
place, then commandline values override config file values which override
positional arguments:
path path to a video
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
path to configuration file
-l language, --lang language
Select the language of the subtitles (default: fra)
-wd folder, --work-dir folder
Directory where I will put all my temporary stuff
(default ./temp)
-o folder, --output-dir folder
Directory where I will put all my released stuff
(default ./output)
--log-level level Set the logging level (default INFO)
--ass-style style ASS style to use if sub-format is ass (default:
Verdana 60)
-rr path to regex-replace json, --regex-replace path to regex-replace json
List of regex/replace for automatic correction
-hcr char,replace, --heuristic-char-replace char,replace
List of char/replace for heuristic correction
--sub-format format Set the outputed subtitles format (default: srt)
--mode mode Set the processing mode. "filter" to only start the
filtering jobs, "ocr" to process already filtered
videos, "full" for both. (default: full)
--vpy vpy_file vapoursynth file to use for filtering (required for
"filter only" and "full" modes
--threads number Number of threads the script will use (default:
automatic detection)
--auto-same-sub-threshold number
Percentage of comparison to assert that two lines of
subtitles are automatically the same (default: 95%)
--same-sub-threshold number
Percentage of comparison to assert that two lines of
subtitles are the same (default: 80%)
--no-spellcheck Deactivate the function which tries to replace
allegedly bad characters using spellcheck (it will
make the "heurist_char_replace" option of the
userconfig useless)
-t, --timid Activate timid mode (it will ask for user input when
some corrections are not automatically approved)
-d, --delay Delay correction after every video is processed
--tesseract-path path to tesseract binary
The path to call tesseract (default: tesseract)
--vapoursynth-path path to vspipe binary
The path to call vapoursynth (default: vspipe)
So to process the video /myVideos/vid01.mp4, the command would be python3 pythoCR.py -c <myconfig> --vpy <myvpy> /myVideos/vid01.mp4