Primary LanguagePython

AOS (Admin Operations System)

Made by Ultrox, mkcodes, IanTang2, DeadWither, MacrosMacDonald, give credit when using:

Typed by DeadWither:

What is AOS

AOS is a module/library made for easy coding in Python. It has some simple but useful commands. Here are some reasons why you should use AOS:

  • Easy to use! Even beginners can ace this library

  • Simple commands that are essential for good Python programs

  • Free to use! However just type this in your description

"Credits: ... and @Ultrox, @mkcodes and @DeadWither for AOS, check AOS here: https://replit.com/@Ultrox/Admin-Operations-System-V001-1?v=1 "

That's it! Let's get to coding!

Setting Up:

AOS is easy to set up, since AOS is a replit library, you need to copy admin_operations_system.py and copy to your repl. Now there are 2 ways of setting AOS up:

https://aos-installer.deadwither.repl.co/ was made so now you can install AOS.py and the graphics so you can upload them to replit whenever you want. Not copy it and paste it

Using the direct classes from AOS:

import admin_operations_system as AOS
AOS.class.function("parameter") #This is a fake command


Defining Classes with the AOS classes

import admin_operations_system as AOS
class = AOS.class

Setting up graphics (optional)

After you've copied the Python file "graphics_engine.py" to your project, there are 2 ways to use graphics.

# Method 1
import graphics_engine as aos_graphics
# Method 2 (unstable)
import admin_operations_system as aos

DeadWither's Note: Method 1 works! Method 2 works as well

Reason: Method 2 imports the graphics to the AOS source. AOS has no in-built function to process mkcodes's graphics.

Watch the Video Tutorial made by DeadWither for help!


Obviously the second way is better, you need to type


for the first way, but the second way is easier,


What this does is, it makes a class with the same code as the AOS classes.


These are the classes:

  • Data
  • Console
  • Misc
  • System
  • Storage
  • Graphics


Note: we are using the second way to call functions

  • Save
Data.save(file, data,new=None)

This saves some text into a file, if file is not found, it will make a new one

The 'file' parameter must be a str or variable with a file prefix. It is the file where the data will be stored

The 'data' parameter can be any data type. It is what we print into the file

The 'new' parameter can be any type and anything, it can be ignored but writing something in it will make sure it erases any data before storing data

Credits: Made by Ultrox, updated by DeadWither

  • Load

The 'file' parameter must be a str or variable with a file prefix. It is the file where the data will be printed out

Credits: Made by Ultrox, updated by DeadWither

  • DirMake

The 'name' parameter must be a str or variable. It is the name of a new folder/directory that will be created

Credits: Made by DeadWither


  • Type

This prints 'words' letter by letter. The 'secs' parameter is optional, by default, it is 0.1 seconds but can be changed to any int or float. Giving str will raise error

Credits: Made by Ultrox

  • Clear

This function clears the console. No need for brackets.

Credits: Made by Ultrox

  • Command Prompt

This function asks 'ask' then if the user input is 'key' it will call 'function', if not, it calls 'invalidFunc' this is optional.

Credits: Made by Ultrox, updated by DeadWither

  • Commentary

Prints 'text' in a light black dim style

Credits: Made by Ultrox

  • Warn

Prints 'text' in a red colour as a Warning.

Credits: Made by Ultrox


  • Wait

Pauses for 'interval' secs

Credits: Made by Ultrox

  • Help

Prints AOS setting up details

Credits: Made by Ultrox

  • Contributors

Prints AOS contributors

Credits: Made by DeadWither

  • Graphics Note

Prints AOSGraphix details

Credits: Made by mkcodes

  • Version

Prints AOS version
Helps to see if ther is new versions published on

Credits: Made by DeadWither


  • Stop

Exits the program for 'reason', this will be printed when the program stops

Credits: Made by DeadWither

  • Set Run File

Changes so that when you run project again, it runs files not main.py

Credits: Made by DeadWither


Storage is a class to store key value data. It does not work like the other functions.

  • Making a Key with Value
<keyName> = Storage(<keyValue>)

data = Storage("data002")

Now me made a key named data with the value of data002

  • Getting the value
value = data.getVal()
#This will output "data002"
  • Changing the value
value = data.getVal()
#This will output "data003"

Now me changed the value of the key named data from the value of data002 to data003

Made by DeadWither (Whole Class)

Graphics engine

Let's discuss all the commands available in graphics_engine.py.

First of all, (available in graphics_engine.graphics_README), you should do ctrl+- and set your terminal to fullscreen. This should solve some terminal glitches across most platforms. (Assuming your terminal is in a window - Fullscreen not tested.)

Now, let's get started. (I've discussed importing the graphics engine at the very top of this manual).

First of all, we have setBG(char). Here is an example of usage:

columns = 3 # os.get_terminal_size()[0]
rows = 3 # os.get_terminal_size()[1]
myMap = setBG(" ")

This creates map, myMap, with a background of the character in setBG(char) - in this case a space.

There are also generatable blank maps via generateMap(xrng,yrng) where xrng and yrng are how big you want the map to be on the x/y coordinates.

Let's speed through the rest. Note that most things depend on the order you call functions: If you call MAKE A LINE then WRITE TEXT OVER THE LINE it would look like " TEXT -------" however if you did it reverse it would just be a line - "---------".

  • getCharAtXY(x, y, map1): Takes characters at X, Y of MAP1.
  • getSegment(startx,endx,starty,endy,wintermap1): Gets a segment from (Startx, Endx) and (Starty, Endy) of Wintermap1.
  • setCharAtXY(x, y, map1, char): Sets character (x, y) to char in the map map1. Usage: map1 = setCharAtXy(3, 4, map1, "x")
  • writeAtXy(map1, x, y, txt): Write text at (x, y).
  • horizontal_line(map1, x1, x2, y, char): Make a horizontal line in map1 from x1 to x2 in y axis y. Character set would be char.
  • vertical_line(map1, y1, y2, x, char): Make a vertical line in map1 from y1 to y2 in x axis x. Character set would be char.
  • square(map1, x1, y1, x2, y2, joiner="+", vertical="=", horizontal="|"): Make a square in map1 from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). The corners are joiner, Vertical lines are made via character vertical, and same goes for the horizontal lines (horizontal lines are set to variable horizontal)
  • __allocate__(map1): Allocate map1 as the map to be displayed when __display__ is called.
  • __display__(map1): Display map you just created.


# screen1
map1 = square(map1, 0, 0, 50, 10, joiner="+", vertical="=", horizontal="|")
map1 = writeAtXy(map1, 1, 1, "welcome to wbltz")
map1 = writeAtXy(map1, 1, 2, "graphics engine by @mkcodes for admins operations system")
map1 = horizontal_line(map1, 1, 50, 3, "_")
map1 = writeAtXy(map1, 1, 4, "[press ENTER to contiue]")
input('') # screen-2
map2 = square(map1, 0, 0, 50, 10, joiner="+", vertical="=", horizontal="|")
map2 = writeAtXy(map2, 1, 1, "you pressed enter  ")
map2 = writeAtXy(map2, 1, 2, "very sus                           ")
map2 = horizontal_line(map2, 1, 50, 3, "_")
map2 = writeAtXy(map2, 1, 4, "[insert screen here]    ")
# __allocate__(map2)
# This will fix glitch of empty lines.
os.system("tput cuu 999            # move cursor up 999")

(TODO: slope)

Credits: Made by mkcodes( whole class)

Credits: Typed by DeadWither
graphics docs added by mkcodes

A Program with AOS

Coded by DeadWither

#Password Checker with AOS

import admin_operations_system as AOS

#Setting Up
system = AOS.System
console = AOS.Console
misc = AOS.Misc
data = AOS.Data

console.commandPrompt("topsecretpassword",granted(),"Enter the Password: ","firstDenied()")

def granted():
  console.type("Correct Password! Access Granted")
  system.stop("You did what you had to do.")

def firstDenied():
  console.warn("Invaild Password. Another Invalid will call the FBI")
  console.commandPrompt("topsecretpassword",granted(),"Enter the Password: ","denied()")

def denied():
  console.warn("Calling FBI! Alert! Alert! Intruder in the system")
  system.stop("You are arrested")


The bold text is printed. The normal text is user text: The warning is italic

Enter the Password: topsecret
Invalid Password. Another Invalid will call the FBI
Enter the Password: topsecretpassword
Correct Password! Access Granted
You did what you had to do
repl process died unexpectedly: exit status 1

Other Sources:

AOS additional/helpful sources:


I hoped you enjoyed this markdown tutorial. Get started now!

Typed by DeadWither (Graphics typed by mkcodes):
