PP-Backend is the backend project for Post-Pilot, a platform that helps you to automate your Linkedln posts.
- User authentication and authorization
- Project creation and management
- Notification system
- GPT integration
- Node JS
- Express
- OpenAI
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- NodeMailer
To run this project locally, you need to have latest Node JS installed on your machine. Then, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/DeadmanAbir/PP-Backend.git
- Change your directory:
cd PP-Backend
- Create a .env file in the root of project, and set up the required environment variables such as database connection details, API keys, and other configurations.
- Set up your MongoDB with your corresponding MongoURL
- Run
npm install
- Run
nodemon index.js
The backend has different routes for different operations.
- The
route if for all those apis which have to be hitted up once in a day. - The
route handles every thing like accessing the tokens from user etc. - The
route involves general operations like User Management, Project Deletion etc.
Postpilot has a scraper bot which scrapes data everyday and stores it into DB. Later that data is used to generare quality posts.
Scraper Repo - https://github.com/DeadmanAbir/PP-Scraper