
Rails PropertyCross Project

Primary LanguageRuby


This is a Rails 4.2.5 app.


This README describes the purpose of this repository and how to set up a development environment. Other sources of documentation are as follows:

  • UI and API designs are in doc/
  • Server setup instructions are in PROVISIONING.md
  • Staging and production deployment instructions are in DEPLOYMENT.md


This project requires:

  • Ruby 2.2.4, preferably managed using rbenv
  • PhantomJS (in order to use the poltergeist gem)
  • PostgreSQL must be installed and accepting connections
  • Redis must be installed and running on localhost with the default port

On a Mac, you can obtain all of the above packages using Homebrew.

If you need help setting up a Ruby development environment, check out this Rails OS X Setup Guide.

Getting started


Run the bin/setup script. This script will:

  • Check you have the required Ruby version
  • Install gems using Bundler
  • Create local copies of .env and database.yml
  • Create, migrate, and seed the database

Run it!

  1. Run rake test to make sure everything works.
  2. Run rails s to start the Rails app.
  3. In a separate console, run bundle exec sidekiq to start the Sidekiq background job processor.