
This is an example of a web api.

Please excuse my codes as it is not optimized and can even be considered spaghetti.

The goal here is a demonstration for those who want to learn web api in its most basic idea and explanation.


1.) In your terminal type git clone https://github.com/Dean-Christian-Armada/web-api-example.git

2.) Activate your virtual environment(not really necessary)

3.) pip install -r requirements.txt

4.) cd/web-api-example

5.) python manage.py runserver

I suggest you learn more with the basics:

AngularJS - http://www.w3schools.com/angular/

Django - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/intro/tutorial01/

Django Rest Framework - http://www.django-rest-framework.org/tutorial/quickstart/


Please visit our blogs at http://blogs.ai-labs.co/

Please check the whole blog of web api at http://blogs.ai-labs.co/the-new-trend-of-web-app-development-architecture/