Web App Dev 2 - Assignment 1 - ReactJS app.

Name: Dean Lonergan


New Pages.

  • List of Popular Actors.
  • Actor details.
  • Favourite actors.
  • List of TV Shows.
  • TV Show details.
  • Favourite TV Shows.

New Features.

  • View actors details (biography, gender, dob, etc.)
  • Add/remove favourite actors (with custom avatar).
  • Filter actors by name.
  • View TV show details (genre, production countries, overview, etc.)
  • Filter TV shows by name, genre.
  • Add/remove favourite TV shows.

Setup requirements.

npm install, npm start.

TMDB endpoints.

  • /reviews/{movie_id} - The user reviews or a movie.
  • /movies/upcoming - List of upcoming movies,
  • /movies/favourites - List of favourited movies.
  • /movies/mustwatch - List of 'must watch' upcoming movies.
  • /movies/{movie_id} - A movies' details page.
  • /actors - List of popular actors.
  • /actors/{actor_id} - An actors details page.
  • /actors/favourites - List of favourited actors.
  • /tvshows - List of TV shows.
  • /tvshows/{tvshow_id} - A TV Shows' details page.
  • /tvshows/favourites - List of favourited TV shows.

App Design.

Component catalogue.

UI Design.

Shows detailed information on a movie. Clicking the 'Reviews' floating action button will display extracts from critic reviews.

Shows the reviews for a movie.

Shows a list of popular TV shows. Each card contains an image and two buttons, 'more info' opens a detailed page about the show, the heart adds the show to the users favourites.

Shows detailed information about a selected TV show.

Shows a list of a users favourited TV shows. Each card contains a bin button, to delete the show from favourites.

Shows a list of popular actors. Each card contains an image and two buttons, 'more info' opens a biography page about the actor, the add person logo add the actor to the users favourites.

Shows the biography of a selected actor.

Shows a list of a users favourited actors. Each card contains a bin button, to delete the actor from favourites.


  • /reviews/:id - Displays the reviews of a particular movie.
  • /movies/upcoming - Displays a list of upcoming movies.
  • /movies/favourites - Displays a list of favourited movies.
  • /movies/mustwatch - Displays a list of upcoming movies selected as 'must watch'.
  • /movies/:id - Displays a movies' details page based on it's ID.
  • /actors - Displays a list of popular actors.
  • /actors/:id - Displays an actors details page based on their ID.
  • /actors/favourites - Displays a List of favourited actors.
  • /tvshows - Displays a list of popular TV shows.
  • /tvshows/:id - Displays a TV Shows' details page based on it's ID.
  • /tvshows/favourites - Displays a list of favourited TV shows.

Independent learning (If relevant).

I referred to the api extensively. https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/people/get-person-details https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/tv