
Walltaker client in LlamaLab's Automate


Now all flows in one file, if you have free version of the Automate app.

If you are free user you need to download both files of the free version.

Walltaker client for LlamaLab's Automate

Automatically sets your wallpaper.

Saves every acquired wallpaper into "/walltaker" folder.



Tested on Android 8.0, Should work on 7+

Allows user to choose which screens should be affected (general wallpaper and/or lock screen one)

Note, it require for at least one image to be already set for given id.


Import WalltakerClient.flo nto Automate (to see how to install and use Atomate check their site).

Start WalltakerClient. (Select "Start" option)

If you decide to change settings stop client and start "Settings" option.

Screens, warning white, for some reason even when theme is set to dark it saves image using light one

