
A Restful JSON API as a service for analyzing Age of Empires II records.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Restful JSON API as a service for analyzing Age of Empires II records.

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Add To Your Docker Compose Project (Recommended)

  1. Copy the production service found in docker-compose.yml to your project.

Delete test.mgz and corrupt.aoe2record from the records directory.

Direct Download & Docker Compose (Development)

  1. Clone Deasilsoft/a2j and open the project directory with git clone https://github.com/Deasilsoft/a2j.git && cd a2j
  2. Make changes to docker-compose.yml as you desire.
  3. Run the Docker container(s) with docker-compose up --build -d

Tips & Tricks for Development

  • python ./tests/data/prettier.py to prettify match.json and summary.json.
  • Run tests locally with docker-compose exec -T development pytest --cov=src --cov-report=xml tests

Using Only Docker (Production)

  1. Pull the image from Docker Hub with docker pull deasilsoft/a2j:latest
  2. Run the Docker container with docker run -d --name a2j -v ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_RECORDS:/home/a2j/records --restart always deasilsoft/a2j:latest

Delete test.mgz and corrupt.aoe2record from the records directory.

Remember to replace ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_RECORDS with your own value.

Read more about the docker run syntax.


This is a Restful API running in a Docker container preferably behind your secure firewall (security requirement). This service should not be accessible from localhost:5000 (or any other port). This is built as a service specifically to make it possible to be used with any tech stack, in particular websites not necessarily running with Python. This service is perfect for websites built with PHP.

You can add more record files from the host by placing the record files inside the directory named records in the project directory. The purpose of the API is to easily and efficiently retrieve the data you want from an Age of Empires II record file. The output data is JSON, which is easy to handle in any programming language. The JSON data is cached to increase speed and reduce usage of your valuable computing power.


Path and query parameters within <> or [] brackets are dynamic values. <> are required, and [] are optional. Optional values have default values, which are given after the | separator. Example [optional=foo,bar|bar] allows foo and bar as valid values, but bar is the default value if no value is supplied.


Whenever you get a list of endpoints from a request, you can add one of them at the end of your current path (before query parameters).


Below are some examples of usage. These examples use curl as a tool to send requests, any other means of sending requests will work as well. container_name is an example name of the Docker container running Deasilsoft/a2j. We strongly recommend naming the container a2j and NOT publishing the port.


Record Data

This example will retrieve a JSON object of all the teams and players from the test.mgz record.

curl container_name:5000/record/test.mgz/teams/players/

This example will retrieve a JSON object of all the actions from the test.mgz record.

curl container_name:5000/record/test.mgz/actions/?method=match


This example will retrieve a PNG image with our interpretation of the Age of Empires II minimap.

curl container_name:5000/minimap/test.mgz/


Cached Data

To delete all cached data from a record file you can do the following.

curl -X DELETE container_name:5000/record/test.mgz/

This is useful in cases where you replace a record file and want to generate a new cache for it. Generally, you don't want to remove cached data unless the record file has been replaced with a new record file.


Task Priority
Create Record as an object. Low
Create Minimap with the Builder pattern. Low
Create RecordParser with the Builder pattern. Low
