
A PHP bot for deviantART chat network. Dev branch.

Primary LanguagePHP


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GIT MOVED TO https://gitlab.com/DeathShadow/Contra

This git branch is dev and may not be stable.
- Do not use unless you plan to keep up-to-date with it.
Otherwise, download the latest stable from Contra's wiki page or
use the stable branch @ https://github.com/dAmnLab/Contra.

Author: photofroggy (http://photofroggy.deviantart.com)
Current Dev: DeathShadow--666 (http://deathshadow--666.deviantart.com)

Contra wiki page: http://botdom.com/wiki/Contra
Installation guide: http://botdom.com/documentation/Install_a_bot
#Botdom: http://frogpond.herokuapp.com/chat/Botdom
Bugtracker: https://github.com/DeathShadow/Contra/issues

When reporting bugs, don't forget to:
- Search bugs before the bugs to avoid posting the same bug.
- Include the git rev and your OS version. (Avoid using words like
latest version, etc. The git version of Contra will always be changing.)
- Use the latest git rev. Chances is that the bug is probably fixed in
the latest version.