Dracula themed BSPWM rice, it uses the dracula color palette obviously.
- bspwm
- sxhkd
- Polybar
- Rofi
- i3lock-color
- Picom {ibhagwan's fork}
- Alacritty
- zsh
- dmenu {DistroTube's config}
- networkmanager_dmenu
- neovim
- dwall
- feh
- Dracula Theme
First Install the necessary packages by clicking the names in the requirements section it will lead you to a github page of that package and there's will be some instructions on how to install those packages if you are using Arch they may be available in your AUR repo or the community repo.
mkdir ~/.dotfiles
git clone https://github.com/Deathemonic/Kyuketsuki.git
cd Kyuketsuki
cd .config
Note you can put the repo anywhere in your home directory
cp -rf * ~/.config
cd ~/.config
chmod +x bspwm/bspwmrc
chmod +x i3lock/lock.sh
chmod +x polybar/start.sh
chmod +x rofi/launch.sh
chmod +x rofi/network.sh
chmod +x rofi/powermenu.sh
This is only for the .config
For neovim
and then type :PlugStatus
and type :PlugInstall
cp -r bspwm ~/.config
chmod +x ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
cp -r sxhkd ~/.config
cp -r polybar ~/.config
chmod +x ~/.config/polybar/start.sh
cp -r rofi ~/.config
chmod +x ~/.config/rofi/launch.sh
chmod +x ~/.config/rofi/network.sh
chmod +x ~/.config/rofi/powermenu.sh
cp -r i3lock ~/.config
chmod +x ~/.config/i3lock/lock.sh
cp -r picom ~/.config
cp picom.conf ~/.config
cp -r alacritty ~/.config
and then type :PlugStatus
next type :PlugInstall
After you follow dwall install instructions in https://github.com/adi1090x/dynamic-wallpaper github you need to vim to your bspwmrc
vim ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc
you can change the line 8
to any preinstalled dynamic wallpaper name.
I use lxappearance
to change my gtk theme, you can use any theme manager you like
After you download the themes extract them using 7zip or any archive manager you have
cp -r (Name of the icon folder) /usr/share/icon
cp -r (Name of the cursor folder) /usr/share/icon
cp -r (Name of the theme folder) /usr/share/theme
open lxappearance
and select the themes
Choose what browser you are using and add it
For Chrome - go to this link and click add to chrome, this will work for any chromium based browser
For Firefox - go to this link and click add, this will work for any firefox based browser
Use midnight lizard to theme websites search for dracula click the first one and click add to browser
The configs doesn't work, maybe you forgot to chmod
Lag? Try change the picom corner radius to 0.0
Still lagging? Bruh maybe it's the time for a upgrade
try comment of the blur effects.
Vim back to you picom.conf
and comment the line 31 to 34
Alacritty won't work? Try to change the sxhkdrc super + Return
by vim into it
vim ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
by default it's LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 alacritty
comment it and uncomment alacritty
Note that LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 alacritty
is only for pc or laptop that doesn't have a GPU or your GPU doesn't support OPENGL 3.3