
A traffic control inspired todo list

Primary LanguageTypeScript



  • Clone repo
  • Install dependencies: yarn install:all

To create development db

This app is set up with postgraphile and by default, the development database is named trackpoint.

  • To install postgres via homebrew: brew install postgres
  • Create and modify backend/.env.development:
PGUSER = "postgres"
PGDDATABASE = "backend"
PGPORT = "5432"
PGURL = "postgres:///backend"
  • Modify backend/config/config.json to reflect desired db setup:
  "development": {
    "username": "postgres",
    "password": null,
    "database": "backend",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "postgres"
  • Update backend/app.ts to reflect any environment and config changes. If you change the db name, you'll need to change it in the setup:db script in package.json to cd backend && createdb [yourdbname].

Setup the backend

  • Run yarn setup:backend

Generate frontend graphql types

  • Run yarn start:backend and in another terminal run yarn generate:frontend

Seed the db

  • Run yarn setup:backend:seed

Start the app

  • Run yarn start


Web app