Recommend movies to users using Sentiment Analysis on Text data

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The aim of this project is to build a movie recommendation system by filtering emotions using multi-label mood classification of the text input to the system by the user



  • Text input to the system is used for Multi-label classification using RoBERTa which outputs the probabilities of all the 5 classes
  • emotion2genre matrix has been created using data from a survey conducted
  • Emotion vector is converted to vector of genres by matrix multiplication with emotion2genre matrix
  • Movies are recommended using cosine similarity of the genre vector with other genre vectors in the movies dataframe
  • The entire pipeline is deployed using Flask


  • GoEmotions dataset by the Google research team has be used
    • All text with "Neutral" and "Disgust" emotion have been removed from the dataset
    • The emotions have been reduced to 5 from 28 using the ekmann mapping
    • The emotions have been one hot encoded to convert it into appropriate form for Multi-label Classification
  • IMDB dataset has been used for the recommendation system.
    • Movies with 8+ IMDB rating are retained
    • Movies with Hindi and English languages are retained
    • Movies pertaining to India, USA and UK are retained


  1. Create a Virtual Environment preferably with Anaconda
conda create -n redbot
  1. Activate the virtual environment
conda activate redbot
  1. Install the Requirements file
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Change directory to the cloned directory

  2. Run download_weights.py to download weights and move them to the appropriate location

python download_weights.py
  1. Run the app.py file using the following command
python app.py

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