An easy-to-use two-user chat application created using React, Firebase, and styled with Chakra UI. This application enables two users to exchange messages in real-time.
Website Live : Link
- React
- JavaScript
- Firebase (Firestore for real-time database, Firebase Authentication for user authentication)
- Chakra UI (for styling and UI components)
- User authentication using Firebase Authentication
- Real-time messaging functionality using Firebase Firestore
- Smooth and responsive UI design with Chakra UI components
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd chat-app
Install dependencies:
npm install
Set up Firebase:
i. Create a Firebase project at Firebase Console ii. Obtain your Firebase configuration keys for the project iii. Replace the Firebase configuration in the project's Firebase initialization file (firebase.js or similar)
Start the application:
npm start
- Sign in using your Google account.
- Enter the chat room and start sending messages.
- Messages will be displayed in real-time for both users.