Official implementation of ResUNet++, CRF, and TTA for segmentation of medical images (IEEE JBIHI)
- 18152189583
- 675492062Hunan University
- AAA-Fan
- AdivarekarBhumit
- as4401sCOGNEX Corporation
- ashishpatel26IBM
- ayushdabraIndian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Bhopal
- ctstanleylee
- CyberPionee
- dou3516
- great-jacky
- hehongjieUWaterloo
- Hypothesisl
- je-santos
- JZK00West China Biomedical Big Data Center
- kalideir@Properti-AG
- kemuscollins
- LiangDengPKU
- lkpengcsNorthwestern University
- mertyergin
- minouei-kl
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- neumannlee
- NeuroXray
- nikhilroxtomarNew Delhi
- NoviceMAn-prog
- PixelWeaver
- PoppinLPGKunming, China
- qiubai521
- rauniyar01
- rsdljm
- tom501
- wangzhenlincmd
- Waynehfut
- whrenstone
- yongqiyushuji