
Customizable and animated library for creating user guide on your website.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A customizable and animated library for creating guide on your website.



  • 📦 Modern bundle
  • 👌 Easy to use
  • 🏳‍🌈 Support major frameworks (React,Vue)
  • ⚡ Lightweight
  • 🚧 Typescript support
  • ✨ Customizable

Get started


Run the flowing commands to develop locally. (use pnpm v7 to manage packages and workspace.)

$ pnpm i

# Build core module
$ pnpm build

$ pnpm dev

If you need hot module load of core module, import from "@core/index" instead of "@guiderjs/core", then you can skip pnpm build

Develop docs

$ pnpm dev:docs