While experimenting with Javascript as new language, we decide to challenge ourselves with a known program, the airport challenge, previously implemented in Ruby.
- Build an Airport
- Make planes land and take off
- Keep track of planes in the airport or in flight
- Add random weather condition as stormy or sunny
- Raise errors when a plane tries to land or take off in a storm
- Set an airport capacity
- Raise error when a plane tries to land in a full airport
This challenge was strictly test-driven, as we also made ourselves familiar with Jasmine as testing framework for Javascript.
The above instructions were not fully implemented, mostly due to time management, as the week included 4 challenges to discover a new language.
We started with a very familiar simple program as Fizzbuzz, experimented further with this airport challenge, then explored JQuery with the thermostat model and finally a weekend challenge where we implemented a program to keep the score for bowling matches.