
Android Native Surface

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


This is a Demo for Android Native Surface
Made by SsageParuders(泓清)
Had supported for Android 10~12

If you had used code from this repository.
I hope you can show this repository's address.
Please maintain basic respect for open source.


  • All dynamic libraries can be used for NDK without AOSP environment.
  • All dynamic libraries are built from AOSP.
  • Just support for Android 10 ~ 12


  • Sources for AOSP

    • You can build dynamic libraries from AOSP,and use it for NDK
  • How To Build


The out file for Demo.
Can be executed by

  chmod +x NativeSurface

Then you can see a surface without any Java Api
Had supported for Android 10 ~ 12

src && include

Example For How To Use This Project

How to build

First Way
  • By command line with CMake and Ninja

    Change The NDK PATH for CMakeLists.txt
    Make sure you can use cmake and ninja on your path.

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../
    cmake --build .
Second way
  • Open this Project with CLion

    • Then Make Sure Your Toolchains is right for NDK. image
    • Change The NDK PATH for CMakeLists.txt
    • Just build it.

ToDo List

  • Hidden from recording screen.
  • Hide from the screenshot.
  • Update the touch for Native Surface

As I didn't get much expectant followers and stars from this repository.
I won't continue to open source the rest of the repository.
Just will support for Android 10 and above, such as Android 13.



MIT License

MIT License is uncontrolled License
I really like Open Sources Project
But, please.
Don't change my signature for this Project if you had used it.
Please maintain basic respect

MIT 协议是一个不受约束的宽松协议 我很喜欢开源项目
但是 如果你使用了我的项目 请最基本的 不要修改我的署名&签名


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