Lord of the Forms

You work for a SAAS company in middle earth and your task is to build a form where you can submit your information about your:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • City
  • Email
  • Phone Number (in a proper middle-earth format XX-XX-XX-X )

For this assignment we want to a make an extremely user friendly UI where we can accomplish the following things.

  • Making it as easy as possible to fill out the correct data
  • Everything should look pretty
  • Input Validation Errors are rendered to the user

We are going to build out a form that's purpose is to gather and set the userInformation of the parent component.

Learning Objectives

In order to complete this assignment, a student should be able to...

  • Create an advanced controlled form
  • Use onChange events to track the state of an input
  • Use onSubmit events to trigger the submit of a form
  • Use e.preventDefault to stop the default event of an onSubmit
  • Be able to prevent typing certain characters by controlling the onChange event
  • Use a ref in react in order to switch focus between elements on change (Telephone Input)
  • Render client-side validation errors in react underneath the inputs
  • Cleanly abstract validations
  • Create a useful user-friendly UI for form submission
  • Use onSubmit to cleanly trigger a change in state of a parent component


To get this project setup, you should:

  • Run npm i to install all dependencies
  • Run npm run dev to run the project

Standard Requirements

  • Setup eslint

  • Pass all linting checks

  • To check if linting passes, run npm run lint

  • Format code with prettier

  • State should not be duplicated

  • Variables should be named logically

  • No unnecessary console logs

  • No commented out blocks of code (Code comments are fine)

  • Setup a github repository with your submission as the main branch, you will submit a link to this for grading (NOT A ZIP FILE)

Typescript Specific Requirements

  • pass ALL type-checks
    • Check by running npm run typecheck
  • DON'T USE any.... OR ELSE
  • Keep your types clean and in a logical location
  • Prop Types for components should be collocated with their components
  • Shared types should live in a file that says types somewhere in it's name
    • example: types.ts should work fine
  • Unshared types should live in the component they are used in

Assignment Specific Requirements

Example Template:

My recommendation is read through all the requirements once, then focus more on matching 👇 that UI. Then at the end use the checklist to make sure that you covered all of the UI and requirements, this checklist should make more sense as you start coding.

  • Get your code to function EXACTLY like This Site

Validation UI

  • Under input errors should not show UNLESS the user has already tried submitting once
  • Errors should go away as soon as the field is fixed, not on submit
  • If a user tries to submit a form with bad inputs, an alert message will say "Bad Inputs" then the exact errors will pop up under the incorrect inputs
  • When a user successfully submits the form, it should update the userInformation and show the user information in the ProfileInformation Component
  • First Name should be at least 2 characters long and should not contain numbers
  • Last Name should be at least 2 characters long and should not contain numbers
  • Email should pass the isEmailValid function
  • City should be valid according to the City Information section below
    • You should have a isCityValid function located in validations.ts that returns true or false depending on the input
  • Phone number should be 7 characters long, and every characters should be a number 0-9
    • You should have a isPhoneValid function located in validations.ts that returns true or false depending on the input

Phone Number UI

  • When you store a phone number in state it should NOT have all the - characters in what you are storing
  • Display a phone number with the format NN-NN-NN-N
    • use this function in your ProfileInformation component to render the correct thing to the screen

Phone Input

  • Create a FunctionalPhoneInput component to clean up code
  • Create a ClassPhoneInput component to clean up code
  • The telephone input should work EXACTLY like on the example site
  • Typing in the max characters on one input should move to the next input
  • Deleting should go to the previous input as necessary
  • Inputs should be tracked with a state that looks like this ["", "", "", ""]
  • A User cannot type any non-numeric characters into a telephone input

City Information

  • A valid city should be in the list of allCites found in all-cities.ts
  • A valid city does NOT have to be the same casing,"Hobbiton" or "hobbiton" should pass validation
  • Make a isValidCity function that checks to see if an input is a valid city

Text Inputs

  • Create a FunctionalTextInput component that groups the label and the input together
  • Create a ClassTextInput component to clean up code


  • Page must NOT reload after submitting
  • ClassApp Code and FunctionalApp Code should be treated as separate apps as far as state goes

Profile Information Component

  • You can share this between the FunctionalApp and the ClassApp

  • build a capitalize function in transformations.ts to correctly display a first and last name

  • build a formatPhone function in transformations.ts that will turn "1234567" into "12-34-56-7"

  • use capitalize and formatPHone in the ProfileInformation component in order to format things appropriately

Email Validations

  • You will need to validate that the email is a valid email
  • We've provided a function called isEmailValid in validations.ts