Starting from the ground up

  • Get a cluster going

    • kubeadm init --config=infrastructure/base/layer0/config/init-config.yaml
  • Get the ZFS pool going

    • Create a zvol, format it as XFS, mount it via fstab
  • Install flannel

    • kubectl apply -f infrastructure/base/static/flannel/index.yaml
  • If the control plane has the pool, remove the control-plane taint

    • kubectl taint nodes <hostname>
  • Initialise Flux

    • flux bootstrap github \
          --token-auth \
          --owner=decentm \
          --repository=fleet-infra \
          --branch=main \
          --path=clusters/staging \ # or `clusters/production`
          --personal \
  • In Longhorn, add a disk on the pool node with the "zfs-pool" tag. Make the host path be the xfs fs's mount path


From Sealed Secrets | Flux

Generate a Kubernetes secret manifest and encrypt it with kubeseal:
