The Mentions module offers Twitter like functionality, recording all references
to a user's username - using the [@username] or [@#uid] filter format - from
various locations, providing a centralized page to track all mentions.

Mentions was written and is maintained by Stuart Clark (deciphered).


* Tracks Mentions on any Entity.
* An Input filter to convert [@username] or [@#uid] to the user's profile.
* Customizable input ([@username], [@#uid]) and output (@username) patterns,
  including support for the Token module.
* Autocompletion of mentions; Using the jQuery textcomplete library usernames
  will be suggested while mentioning.
* Integrations with:
  * Machine name - Use a Machine name field as the mention source.
  * Rules - React to created, updated and deleted mentions.
  * Views - Display a list of all mentions, mentions by user, and more.

Recommended Modules

* Libraries API -
* Token         -
* Views         -

jQuery textcomplete - Autocompletion of mentions

The jQuery textcomplete library adds autocompletion of mentions, to install it
follow these steps:

1. (optional) Download and install the Libraries API module.

2. Download the jQuery textcomplete library and extract and move it into your
   libraries folder as 'textcomplete' (eg. sites/all/libraries/textcomplete).

Alternatively, you can use the Drush command 'mentions-library' or the Drush
make entry provided below:

  libraries[textcomplete][download][type] = get
  libraries[textcomplete][download][url] =

Usage / Configuration

Once installed, the Mentions filter needs to be enabled on your desired Text
formats, this can be done via the Text formats page.
* http://[]/admin/config/content/formats

Customisation settings for input and output patterns are available via the
Mentions configuration form:
* http://[]/admin/config/content/mentions