
Connect Ecto resources to to controllers and RPC servers using JSONAPI

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Calcinator provides a standardized interface for processing JSONAPI request that is transport neutral. CSD uses it for both API controllers and RPC servers.

Calcinator uses Alembic to validate JSONAPI documents passed to the action functions in Calcinator. Calcinator supports the JSONAPI CRUD-style actions:

  • create
  • delete
  • get_related_resource
  • index
  • show
  • show_relationship
  • update

Each action expects to be passed a %Calcinator{}. The struct allow Calcinator to support converting JSONAPI includes to associations (associations_by_include), authorization (authorization_module and subject), Ecto.Schema.t interaction (resources_module), and JSONAPI document rendering (view_module).


%Calcinator{} authorization_modules need to implement the Calcinator.Authorization behaviour.

  • can?(subject, action, target) :: boolean
  • filter_associations_can(target, subject, action) :: target
  • filter_can(targets :: [target], subject, action) :: [target]

The can?(suject, action, target) :: boolean matches the signature of the Canada protocol, but it is not required.


Calcinator.Resources is a behaviour to supporting standard CRUD actions on an Ecto-based backing store. This backing store does not need to be a database that uses Ecto.Repo. At CSD, we use Calcinator.Resources to hide the differences between Ecto.Repo backed Ecto.Schema.t and RPC backed Ecto.Schema.t (where we use Ecto to do the type casting.)

Because Calcinator.Resources need to work as an interface for both Ecto.Repo and RPC backed resources, the callbacks and returns need to work for both, so all Calcinator.Resources implementations need to support allow_sandbox_access and sandboxed? used for concurrent Ecto.Repo tests, but they also can return RPC error messages like {:error, :bad_gateway} and {:error, :timeout}.


The list callback instead of returning just the list of resources, also accepts and returns (optional) pagination information. The pagination param format is documented in Calcinator.Resources.Page.

In addition to pagination in page, Calcinator.Resources.query_options supports associations for JSONAPI includes (after being converted using %Calcinator{} associations_by_include), filters for JSONAPI filters that are passed through directly, and sorts for JSONAPI sort.

Page Size


A default page size can be configured.

config :calcinator, Calcinator.Resources.Page, size: [default: 5]

or at runtime using Application.put_env/3

Application.put_env(:calcinator, Calcinator.Resources.Page, size: [default: 10])

When default page size is configured, a default page number of 1 is also assumed.

config :calcinator, Calcinator.Resources.Page, size: [maximum: 25]

or at runtime using Application.put_env/3

Application.put_env(:calcinator, Calcinator.Resources.Page, size: [maximum: 25])


Pagination for Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo is opt-in and needs to be configured.

config :calcinator, Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo, paginator: paginator

Returns based on paginator and query_options page

config :calcinator, Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo, paginator: paginator query_options[:page] Description
paginator nil %Calcinator.Resources.Page{}
Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Ignore {:ok, all_resources, nil} {:ok, all_resources, nil} query_options[:page] is ignored: all resources are always returned. There is no pagination information ever returned.
Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Disallow {:ok, all_resources, nil} {:error, %Alembic.Document{}} All resources with nil pagination is returned when query_options[:page] is nil, but an error is returns if query_optons[:page] is not nil. This is an improvement over Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Ignore because it will tell callers that query_options[:page] will not be honored.
Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Allow {:ok, all_resources, nil} {:ok, page_of_resources, %Alembic.Pagination{}} All resources with nil pagination is returned when query_options[:page] is nil. A page of resources with the pagination information is returned when query_options[:page] is not nil. This is the default paginator.
Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Require {:error, %Alembic.Document{} {:ok, page_of_resources, %Alembic.Pagination{}} An error is returned when query_options[:page] is nil. A page of resources with the pagination information is returned when query_options[:page] is not nil. This is a stronger form of Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Allow because it forces the caller to declare what page it wants. Using Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination.Require is recommended when not paginating would have a detrimental performance impact.

If you want to define your own paginator, it must implement the Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.Pagination behaviour.


c:Calcinator.Resources.list/1 from use Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo can sort any of attribute of the primary Ecto.Schema.t returned by c:Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo.ecto_schema_module/0

TestPosts.list(%{sorts: [%Calcinator.Resources.Sort{direction: :ascending, field: :inserted_at}]})
TestPosts.list(%{sorts: [%Calcinator.Resources.Sort{direction: :descending, field: :inserted_at}]})

or any attribute of relationships that are mapped to associations of the primary data

                 sorts: [
                     association: :author,
                     direction: :ascending,
                     field: :name
                 sorts: [
                     association: :author,
                     direction: :descending,
                     field: :name


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add calcinator to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:calcinator, "~> 3.0"}]
  1. Ensure calcinator is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:calcinator]]



Calcinator.Controller uses Calcinator.Resources, which is transport-agnostic, so you can use it to access multiple backing stores. CSD itself, uses it to access PostgreSQL database owned by the project using Ecto and to access remote data over RabbitMQ.


If you want to use Calcinator to access records in a database, you can use Ecto

Ecto.Schema modules

MyApp.Author and MyAuthor.Post are standard use Ecto.Schema modules. MyApp is a separate OTP application in the umbrella project.

defmodule MyApp.Author do
  @moduledoc """
  The author of `MyApp.Post`s

  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "authors" do
    field :name, :string
    field :password, :string, virtual: true
    field :password_confirmation, :string, virtual: true


    has_many :posts, RemoteApp.Post, foreign_key: :author_id

-- apps/my_app/lib/my_app/author.ex

defmodule MyApp.Post do
  @moduledoc """
  Posts by a `MyApp.Author`.

  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "posts" do
    field :text, :string


    belongs_to :author, MyApp.Author

-- apps/my_app/lib/my_app/post.ex

Resources module

defmodule MyApp.Posts do
  @moduledoc """
  Retrieves `%MyApp.Post{}` from `MyApp.Repo`

  use Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo

  # Functions

  ## Calcinator.Resources.Ecto.Repo callbacks

  def ecto_schema_module(), do: MyApp.Post

  def repo(), do: MyApp.Repo
View Module

Calcinator relies on JaSerializer to define view module

defmodule MyAppWeb.PostView do
  @moduledoc """
  Handles encoding the Post model into JSON:API format.

  alias MyApp.Post

  use JaSerializer.PhoenixView
  use Calcinator.JaSerializer.PhoenixView,
      phoenix_view_module: __MODULE__

  # Attributes

  attributes ~w(inserted_at

  # Location

  location "/posts/:id"

  # Relationships

  has_one :author,
          serializer: MyAppWeb.AuthorView

  # Functions

  def relationships(post = %Post{}, conn) do
    |> super(conn)
    |> Enum.filter(relationships_filter(post))
    |> Enum.into(%{})

  def type(_data, _conn), do: "posts"

  ## Private Functions

  def relationships_filter(%Post{author: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{}}) do
    fn {name, _relationship} ->
      name != :author

  def relationships_filter(_) do
    fn {_name, _relationship} ->

-- apps/my_app_web/lib/my_app_web/post_view.ex

The relationships/2 override is counter to JaSerializer's own recommendations. It recommends doing a Repo call to load associations on demand, but that is against the Phoenix Core recommendations to make view modules side-effect free, so the relationships/2 override excludes the relationship from including even linkage data when it's not loaded

Controller Module

NOTE: Assumes that user assign is set by an authorization plug before the controller is called.

Authenticated/Authorized Read/Write Controller
defmodule MyAppWeb.PostController do
  @moduledoc """
  Allows authenticated and authorized reading and writing of `%MyApp.Post{}` that are fetched from `MyApp.Repo`.

  alias Calcinator.Controller

  use MyAppWeb.Web, :controller
  use Controller,
      actions: ~w(create delete get_related_resource index show show_relationship update)a,
      configuration: %Calcinator{
        authorization_module: MyAppWeb.Authorization,
        ecto_schema_module: MyApp.Post,
        resources_module: MyApp.Posts,
        view_module: MyAppWeb.PostView

  # Plugs

  plug :put_subject

  # Functions

  def put_subject(conn = %Conn{assigns: %{user: user}}, _), do: Controller.put_subject(conn, user)

-- apps/my_app_web/lib/my_app_web/post_controller.ex

Public Read-only Controller

NOTE: Although it is not recommended, if you want to run without authorization (say because all data is public and read-only), then you can remove the :authorization_module configuration and put_subject plug.

defmodule MyAppWeb.PostController do
  @moduledoc """
  Allows public reading of `MyApp.Post` that are fetched from `MyApp.Repo`.

  alias Calcinator.Controller

  use MyAppWeb.Web, :controller
  use Controller,
      actions: ~w(get_related_resource index show show_relationship)a,
      configuration: %Calcinator{
        ecto_schema_module: MyApp.Post,
        resources_module: MyApp.Posts,
        view_module: MyAppWeb.PostView

-- apps/my_app_web/lib/my_app_web/post_controller.ex


If you want to use Calcinator over RabbitMQ, use Retort: it's Retort.Resources implements the Calcinator.Resources behaviour.

Ecto.Schema modules

RemoteApp.Author and RemoteApp.Post are standard use Ecto.Schema modules. RemoteApp is a separate OTP application in the umbrella project.

defmodule RemoteApp.Author do
  @moduledoc """
  The author of `RemoteApp.Post`s

  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "authors" do
    field :name, :string
    field :password, :string, virtual: true
    field :password_confirmation, :string, virtual: true


    has_many :posts, RemoteApp.Post, foreign_key: :author_id

-- apps/remote_app/lib/remote_app/author.ex

defmodule RemoteApp.Post do
  @moduledoc """
  Posts by a `RemoteApp.Author`.

  use Ecto.Schema

  schema "posts" do
    field :text, :string


    belongs_to :author, RemoteApp.Author

-- apps/remote_app/lib/remote_app/post.ex

Client module

Define a module to setup a Retort.Generic.Client (you can also inline this at Client.Post.start_link() below, but we find the module useful for tests.

defmodule RemoteApp.Client.Post do
  @moduledoc """
  Client for accessing Posts on remote-server

  alias RemoteApp.{Author, Post}

  # Functions

  def queue, do: "remote_server_post"

  def start_link(opts \\ []) do
      opts ++ [
        ecto_schema_module_by_type: %{
          "authors" => Author,
          "posts" => Post
        queue: queue,
        type: "posts"

-- apps/remote_app/lib/remote_app/client/post.ex

Resources module

Define a module that use Retort.Resources to get the Ecto.Schema structs using Retort.Generic.Client

defmodule RemoteApp.Posts do
  @moduledoc """
  Retrieves `%RemoteApp.Post{}` over RPC

  alias RemoteApp.Client
  alias RemoteApp.Post

  require Ecto.Query

  import Ecto.Changeset, only: [cast: 3]

  use Retort.Resources

  # Constants

  @default_timeout 5_000 # milliseconds

  @optional_fields ~w()a
  @required_fields ~w()a

  @allowed_fields @optional_fields ++ @required_fields

  # Functions

  ## Retort.Resources callbacks

  def association_to_include(:author), do: "author"

  def client_start_link() do
    |> Retort.Resources.client_start_link_options()
    |> Client.Post.start_link()

  def ecto_schema_module(), do: Post

  ## Resources callbacks

  @doc """
  Creates a changeset that updates `post` with `params`.
  @spec changeset(%Post{}, Resoures.params) :: Ecto.Changeset.t
  def changeset(post, params), do: cast(post, params, @allowed_fields)

  def sandboxed?(), do: LocalApp.Repo.sandboxed?()

-- apps/remote_app/lib/remote_app/posts

View Module

Calcinator relies on JaSerializer to define view module.

defmodule LocalAppWeb.PostView do
  @moduledoc """
  Handles encoding the Post model into JSON:API format.

  alias RemoteApp.Post

  use JaSerializer.PhoenixView
  use Calcinator.JaSerializer.PhoenixView,
      phoenix_view_module: __MODULE__

  # Attributes

  attributes ~w(inserted_at

  # Location

  location "/posts/:id"

  # Relationships

  has_one :author,
          serializer: LocalAppWeb.AuthorView

  # Functions

  def relationships(post = %Post{}, conn) do
    |> super(conn)
    |> Enum.filter(relationships_filter(post))
    |> Enum.into(%{})

  def type(_data, _conn), do: "posts"

  ## Private Functions

  def relationships_filter(%Post{author: %Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{}}) do
    fn {name, _relationship} ->
      name != :author

  def relationships_filter(_) do
    fn {_name, _relationship} ->

-- apps/local_app_web/lib/local_app_web/post_view.ex

The relationships/2 override is counter to JaSerializer's own recommendations. It recommends doing a Repo call to load associations on demand, but that is against the Phoenix Core recommendations to make view modules side-effect free, so the relationships/2 override excludes the relationship from including even linkage data when it's not loaded

Controller Module
Authenticated/Authorized Read/Write Controller

NOTE: Assumes that user assign is set by an authorization plug before the controller is called.

defmodule LocalAppWeb.PostController do
  @moduledoc """
  Allows authenticated and authorized reading and writing of `MyApp.Post` that are fetched from remote server over RPC.

  alias Calcinator.Controller

  use LocalAppWeb.Web, :controller
  use Controller,
      actions: ~w(create delete get_related_resource index show show_relationship update)a,
      configuration: %Calcinator{
        authorization_module: LocalAppWeb.Authorization,
        ecto_schema_module: RemoteApp.Post,
        resources_module: RemoteApp.Posts,
        view_module: LocalAppWeb.PostView

  # Plugs

  plug :put_subject

  # Functions

  def put_subject(conn = %Conn{assigns: %{user: user}}, _), do: Controller.put_subject(conn, user)

-- apps/local_app_web/lib/local_app_web/post_controller.ex

Public Read-only Controller

NOTE: Although it is not recommended, if you want to run without authorization (say because all data is public and read-only), then you can remove the :authorization_module configuration and put_subject plug.

defmodule LocalAppWeb.PostController do
  @moduledoc """
  Allows public reading of `%RemoteApp.Post{}` that are fetched from remote server over RPC.

  alias Calcinator.Controller

  use MyAppWeb.Web, :controller
  use Controller,
      actions: ~w(get_related_resource index show show_relationship)a,
      configuration: %Calcinator{
        ecto_schema_module: RemoteApp.Post,
        resources_module: RemoteApp.Posts,
        view_module: LocalAppWeb.PostView

-- apps/local_app_web/lib/local_app_web/post_controller.ex


Calcinator supports instrumentation similar to Phoenix: calls in Calcinator will fire instrumentation events around calls to subsystems.

event subsystem
alembic Alembic
calcinator_authorization Calcinator.Authorization
calcinator_resources Calcinator.Resources
calcinator_view Calcinator.View


Calcinator ships with support for pryin.io.

You can turn on PryIn support following the pryin installation instructions and then adding Calcinator.PryIn.Instrumenter to your :calcinator config

config :calcinator,
       instrumenters: [Calcinator.PryIn.Instrumenter]


You can write your own Instrumenter following the instructions in the Calcinator.Instrument documentation and then configuring :calcinator to use your custom instrumenter.

config :calcinator,
       instrumenters: [MyLib.Calcinator.Instrumenter]