C-Chain/EVM Resources

KYC Verification

Deploying smart contracts on the Camino Network requires the deployer's address to be KYC-verified, even for the testnet.

Follow the guide below to complete the KYC verification, which generally takes only 5 minutes.


Get Funds (CAM Tokens)

Use the Discord bot to get funds for the Columbus testnet. You can use the documentation page below for instructions.


Heads up: You will receive your funds to your X-Chain address (should start with X-columbus). Do not forget to transfer them (cross-chain transfer) to C-Chain. It is explained in the document above.

RPC Endpoints

Use Columbus testnet for EVM related development.

Network Name: Columbus (testnet)
RPC URL: https://columbus.camino.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
Chain-ID: 501
Currency Symbol: CAM
CaminoScan Block Explorer: https://columbus.caminoscan.com/
Official Block Explorer: https://suite.camino.network/explorer/columbus/c-chain

Camino Builder Repository

URL: https://github.com/chain4travel/camino-builder

Camino Builder is a GitHub repository that guides developers through deploying and managing smart contracts on the Camino network, focusing on the travel industry. It includes tutorials on creating NFTs, token-gated access systems, KYC-compliant contracts, and more. The repo provides setup instructions for tools like Node.js and Hardhat, alongside resources for learning about smart contract security, front-end integration, and essential developer tools. Ideal for developers interested in blockchain innovations in travel.

ℹ️ Camino Builder repository contains a Gitpod.io config file. At the start of the workspace, this config file automatically installs the necessary NPM packages.

MetaMask: How to Add C-Chain to MetaMask

Use this docs page to add Columbus to MetaMask: https://docs.camino.network/guides/metamask-rpc-endpoints

Camino Messenger and T-Chain Resources

Active Suppliers on Camino Messenger

Suppliers below have active bots on Camino Messenger.

Supplier Service Address
AVRA AccommodationSearchService
MTS AccommodationSearchService
Peakwork AccommodationSearchService t-kopernikus1uwyrjgk6ckzdq9h8u6zrxufvrwdjlp2kuzedrx
Involatus TransportSearchService (flights) t-kopernikus1z5q404kx07t8pz6vye2fs7ex6ud05z4vtd03z7
Netactica TransportSearchService (flights) t-kopernikus12g7q4g750y7yh0qvj4sre4q5nek5ple9spx3e0

Camino Messenger Bot

ℹ️ Camino Messenger Bot repository contains a Gitpod.io config file. You can use this repo in Gitpod's workspaces to automatically build the bot at the start of the workspace.

Camino Messenger Partner Plugin Example

Below is a repository of Camino Messenger Bot Partner Plugin implementation using Java Spring Boot.


Camino Messenger Protocol

Generating T-Chain Address

There is a script (with a compiled binary, so you don't need Go installed to use the tool) to generate addresses from private keys in the tools folder of this repo. The sha256sum in the script is for security, to be sure the binary is not changed.

Clone this repo and use the tool from a shell:

git clone https://github.com/DecodeTravel/berlin-2024-resource-hub.git

cd berlin-2024-resource-hub/tools/t-chain-address

./my-address.sh <private_key>