
Primary LanguageJavaScript

This Calculator Project is based on the Odin project and ask a user to create a Calculator using all the skills learnt in css and js from the Odin Project curriculum. The description of the project is found in this link: https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/foundations-calculator.

Initial Plan

  1. Calculator contains functions for all basic maths operators which are the following
    • add
    • subtract
    • multiply
    • divide

Idea: create a function for the following operators takes two parameters i.e. function add(num1, num2){}

  1. Function called "operate" that take two numbers and call one of the above functions Idea: function operate(num1,num2) and use a control logic: either if statement or case statement to call the functions.

  2. Create a basic HTML calculator with the following buttons

  • The digits "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"
  • The operator "="
  • A clear operator "CE"
  • A display to showcase the operations. Initially have to show dummy numbers i.e. "0";

Idea: Create a gird using flexbox and inside the flex-container will be flex-items that is buttons. The basic apperance

1 2 3 /
4 5 6 x
7 8 9 -
0     =