
Coding Challenge [Guest] #4 Matrix Rain


Originally written and coded by Daniel Shiffman [and guests] from The Coding Train - http://codingtra.in http://patreon.com/codingtrain https://www.youtube.com/user/shiffman

Converted into Java by Nick Wright/Ghomez https://www.youtube.com/user/ghomezanonimous

Use the [netbeans project] sandbox to convert a coding train challenge yourself in netbeans or select another branch of one of the challenges I have already completed.

To use sandbox unzip sandbox.zip to your netbeans project folder and open in netbeans. create a challenge object in Game, add two lines of code to tick [challenge.tick();] and render [challenge.render(g2d);] in Game and add code to the challenge object from your chosen challenge - which will need converting from JS[Javascript] to Java in your own code.

good luck
