
This repository aims to provide documents which describe the Dedukti standard

Primary LanguageTeX

Dedukti standard

This document aims to specify the version 1.0 of the Dedukti standard. This standard aims to document a language based upon the Lambda-Pi Calculus Modulo Theory.


Any file that represents Dedukti standard character can be encoded using UTF-8. Any UTF-8 character will be written using the syntax U+xxxx. For example, U+0061 represents the character A.


This section documents the tokens recognized by the language. Two consecutive tokens can be separated by a arbitrary number of spaces defined below.


The token <comment> starts with (; and ends with ;). In particular, nested comments are allowed such as:

(; foo (; bar ;) baz ;)


The token <space> is either one of the three following characters

  • U+0020: a space
  • U+0009: a tab (\t)
  • U+000D: a carriage return (\r)
  • U+000A: a new line character (\n)

or a <comment>.


The token <pragma> is defined as any sequence of UTF-8 characters that do not contain the token <escape>. The token <escape> is defined as a dot . (U+002E), followed by <space> or EOF.


Keywords are sequences of UTF-8 characters that have a particular meaning for the Dedukti standard. A keyword cannot be used in the various identifiers defined below.

The Dedukti standard defines a superset of keywords that are actually used. The keywords are defined below:

<keyword> ::= Type | def | defac | defacu | thm | private | injective.


Identifiers are used to represent variables and constant names.

Identifiers <id> come into two variants:

  • simple identifiers <sid> are recognized by the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_!?][a-zA-Z0-9_!?']* but cannot be a <keyword>.

  • wrapped identifiers <wid> are recognized by the regular expression {|<chr>*|} such that <chr>* is any sequence of UTF-8 characters except |}.

<id> ::= <sid> | <wid>

Example: 0baz is a valid simple identifier. {|Gödel's theorem|} is a valid wrapped identifier. But Erdős, or def are not valid identifiers.

Remark: The identifiers a and {|a|} are different.

Module identifiers

Module identifiers are used to represent module names. A module identifier <mid> is recognized by the regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_]+.

Example: 0baz is a valid module identifier, but 0baz? is not a valid module identifier. However, 0baz? is a valid identifier.

Remark: All module identifier are identifiers.

Qualified identifiers

The Dedukti standard recognizes qualified identifiers which represent an identifier in a module. A qualified identifier <qid> is:

<qid> ::= <mid> "." <id>

There cannot be any space between the tokens that make up <qid>.

Example: A.b is a valid qualified identifier while A. b is not.

Terms {#dk-terms}

<sterm> ::= <qid> | <id> | "(" <term> ")" | "Type"

<aterm> ::= <sterm>+

<term> ::= <aterm> 
         | <id> ":" <aterm> "->" <term>
         | (<binding> | <aterm>) "->" <term>
         | <id> (":" <aterm>)? "=>" <term>

<binding> ::= "(" <id> ":" <term> ")"

Remark: The syntax allows to write lambda abstractions where the type of the variable may or may not be given. We call a term $t$ lambda-typed when a type is given for all variables of all lambda abstractions in $t$, and we call a term lambda-untyped when no type is given for all variables of all lambda abstractions in $t$. Later on, when checking that a term $t$ is of type $A$, the standard covers only the case that $t$ and $A$ are lambda-typed, whereas when checking that a rewrite rule $l \hookrightarrow _\Delta r$ is well-typed, the standard covers only the case that $l$ is lambda-untyped and $r$ is lambda-typed.

Rewrite rules

<pattern> ::= <term>

<context> ::= <id> ("," <id>)*

<rule> ::= "[" <context>? "]" <pattern> "-->" <term>

In practice, not every term can be used as a pattern. The distinction will be made semantically.


<sig>          ::= <id> <binding>* ":" <term>
<command>      ::= <rule>+
                 | ("def" | "thm") <sig> ":=" <term>
                 | ("def" | ("private"? "injective"))? <sig>
                 | "require" <mid>
                 | "assert" <term> ":" <term>
                 | "assert" <term> "=" <term>
                 | "#" <pragma>
<theory>       ::= (<command> "." (<space> <command> ".")*)?

The initial symbol for the grammar recognized by the Dedukti standard is <theory>. By convention, the suffix of a file using this standard is .dk.

Pragma provide commands which are implementation dependent and do not need to be supported. This way, a file containing a pragma is syntactically valid for the different tools implementing the standard. A pragma that is not supported by a tool can simply be ignored. For example:

#CHECK A : Type.

could be a pragma used to check whether A is a term that has type Type.


To simplify the semantics, we perform a few equivalence-preserving preprocessing steps on commands. The steps should be executed in the order in which they are introduced in this section.


We eliminate bindings for commands that introduce symbols (e.g. commands starting with def, thm, or injective): if a type is given, we add bindings as dependent products to the type; if a term is given, we add bindings as lambda abstractions to the term.

Example: A command of the shape thm id (v1: ty1) ... (vn: tyn) : ty := tm is replaced by the equivalent thm <id> : v1 : ty1 -> ... -> vn : tyn -> ty := v1 : ty1 => ... => vn : tyn => tm.

Definitions / Theorems

We replace commands of the shape def id : ty := tm by the sequence of the two commands def id : ty and [] id --> tm. Furthermore, we replace commands of the shape thm id : ty := tm by the sequence of the two commands id : ty and assert tm : ty.


A command of the shape [ctx] l --> r introduces a rewrite rule with a context ctx, a left-hand side l and a right-hand side r. Any identifier _ that occurs freely in the left-hand side of a rewrite rule is called a joker or wildcard.

We eliminate all jokers from a rewrite rule as follows: While the left-hand side of a rule contains at least one joker, we replace that joker by a fresh variable and add the fresh variable to the context. For example, the rewrite rule [x] f x _ _ --> g x could be transformed to [x, y, z] f x y z --> g x, if y and z are fresh variables.

We eliminate jokers from all rewrite rules.


In this section, we describe how to check a theory.


We define the set of lambda-Pi terms that we will translate from our syntax to:

A term $t$ is defined as $$t \coloneqq x \mid t; t \mid \lambda x.; t \mid \lambda x : t.; t \mid \Pi x : t.; t \mid (t) \mid s.$$ A sort $s$ is defined as $\Type \mid \Kind$.

We translate a term t as defined in the syntax section to a term $t$ as defined in this section by $|$t$|$ as given below. Here, x / $x$ stand for identifiers, and u / $u$ and v / $v$ stand for terms. Additionally, in the (non-dependent) "product" case, $x$ must be chosen to be fresh and not to appear freely in $|$v$|$.

Table: Term translation.

Case t $|$t$|$
Parentheses (u) $(|u|)$
Type Type $\Type$
Identifier x $x$
Application u v $|$u$| |$v$|$
Lambda abstraction x : u => v $\lambda x: |$u$|. |$v$|$
Dependent product x : u -> v $\Pi x: |$u$|. |$v$|$
Product u -> v $\Pi x: |$u$|. |$v$|$



It can be necessary to introduce sets of rewrite rules where subsets of the rules are not terminating and confluent, but the whole set is. Consider the rewrite rules $a \hookrightarrow b$, $a \hookrightarrow c$, $b \hookrightarrow d$, and $c \hookrightarrow d$. The four rules together are terminating and confluent, but when omitting either the third or the fourth rule, the set is not confluent.

TODO: Add a new rule that checks termination and confluence for sets of rewrite rules, not for individual rules!


Each Dedukti theory file defines a module. Any implementation of the standard must provide a way to associate to each module name m a unique filename m.dk. A symbol x that was introduced in a module m can be referenced

  • inside of module m by m.x or x, and
  • outside of module m by m.x, provided that the command require m was encountered in the current theory before.


First, we initialise a few global variables:

  • $\Gamma$: A global context $\Gamma$ contains statements of the shape $x : A$ and $l \hookrightarrow _\Delta r$.
  • open (set of module names): When a theory a requires b and b requires a, then we should detect an infinite loop. For this, we insert a into open when we start checking it and remove it from open only once we have finished checking it. This allows us to conclude an infinite loop when upon checking a, a is already in open.
  • checked (set of module names): When a theory a requires b and c, and both b and c require d, then checking a should only check d once. For this, we insert d into checked once it has been checked, in order to prevent d to be checked a second time.
  • private, definable, and injective (sets of quantified identifiers).

All these sets are initially empty.

To check a module m, we perform the following.

If m is in open, we fail, otherwise we add m to open. If m is in checked, we are done checking m.

We initialise a local variable required, which stores the set of modules from which the current module may access symbols. This is a local and not a global variable for the following reason: If we have a module a depending on b and b depending on c, then a should not automatically have access to symbols from c, because if b stops depending on c, a should still check successfully. In other words, require is not transitive.

For every command c in the module m, we first prefix all non-qualified constants in c with m, then verify that for any constant n.x in c, if n $\neq$ m, then required must contain n and private must not contain n.x. Then, we preprocess c, then perform the following:

  • If c declares a dependency on a module by require m, we add m to required and check m.
  • If c introduces a set of rewrite rules [ctx1] l1 --> r1 ... [ctxn] ln --> rn: We translate every rewrite rule to $l \hookrightarrow _\Delta r$, and verify that $\Gamma, \Delta \vdash ^r l \hookrightarrow r; \mathrm{wf}$ and $h$ is in definable, where $h$ is the head symbol of $l$. At the end, we add all the translated rewrite rules to $\Gamma$.
  • If $c$ introduces a new symbol by x : A, we translate $A = |$A$|$, we verify that $\Gamma \vdash A : s$ and $x$ is not in $\Gamma$, and we add $x : A$ to $\Gamma$. . If c introduces a new private symbol by private x : A, then we perform the same as for x : A before adding $x$ to private.
  • If c introduces a new definable symbol by def x : A, then we perform the same as for x : A before adding $x$ to definable.
  • If c introduces a new injective symbol by injective x : A, then we perform the same as for x : A before adding $x$ to injective. It is up to the implementation to verify that for all $\vec t$ and $\vec u$ of same length, $x \vec t \equiv _{\Gamma\beta} x \vec u$ implies $\vec t \equiv _{\Gamma\beta} \vec u$.
  • If c is an assertion of shape assert t : A, we verify that $\Gamma \vdash |$t$| : |$A$|$.
  • If c is an assertion of shape assert t == A, we verify that $|$t$| \equiv _{\Gamma\beta} |$A$|$.
  • If c is a pragma, the behaviour is up to the implementation.

Finally, we add m to checked and remove m from open.