
Extract TPTP problems from a TSTP trace and reconstruct the proof in lambdapi (λΠ-calculus modulo theory).

Primary LanguageOCaml


Tool to translate a proof in the TSTP into the lambdapi format.

How does it work?

Ekstrakto generates a TPTP problem for each proof step in the TSTP input file, a Lambdapi signature file, and a Lambdapi file providing a complete proof assuming a Lambdapi file for each proof step.

One can then automatically generate a Lambdapi proof file for each proof step by running an automated theorem provers able to output Dedukti or Lambdapi proofs:




First, you need to get the sources:

    git clone https://github.com/elhaddadyacine/ekstrakto.git

To compile the tool, just type:

    cd ekstrakto

It will generate an executable file named spliter.native. If you want to install it, do:

    sudo make install


Just call ekstrakto with an input TSTP file as argument:

    ekstrakto $trace.p

Ekstrakto creates in a folder $trace:

  • a sub-folder lemmas with all the TPTP problems
  • a Lambdapi signature file $trace.lp
  • a Lambdapi proof file proof_$trace.lp
  • a lambdapi.pkg file
  • a Makefile to produce the Lambdapi proofs and check them.

Then, one can call make to generate a Lambdapi proof file for each TPTP problem using zenon_modulo, and check them using lambdapi (make sure that zenon_modulo and lambdapi are in your $PATH).


In the folder examples, do:

    ../spliter.native trace.p
    cd trace

