Docker Security and Pipelines Examples and Homework

For Unit 3, there are various examples in the examples directory, and the homework is in the homework directory.

Homework instructions

For this homework, you will research and report on some aspect of Docker security.

Getting Started:

  1. Click the "Use this Template" button in this repo to create a new, private repository for the assignment.
  2. Add your instructor as a collaborator ("CSCC-Instructor").
  3. Clone the repo you created into your VM environment (either using git clone or in IntelliJ)
  4. Create a new branch for your homework, and as you complete the assignment commit to this branch

Completing the Assignment

Follow the instructions in the homework directory

Submitting Your Work

  1. Push all your changes on your branch to origin
  2. Create a bundle of your repository using git bundle as described in Blackboard
  3. Go to GitHub and create a pull request from your branch into master
  4. Submit the assignment in Blackboard and include your bundle in the assignment.

NOTE: I will provide feedback via. comments in your pull request. If you need to amend your work after you issue your initial pull request:

  1. Commit your updates
  2. Push your changes to gitHub
  3. Verify the new commits were automatically added to your open pull request