
An exercise to learn OpenGL and game engine programming.

Primary LanguageC


Despite the fancy name, this project is only intended as an educational exercise for me to learn the following (in order):

  • How to program with OpenGL from basic to advanced rendering techniques
  • Learn and the ins and outs of a game engine by creating one from scratch

I figure giving it a name would push me to work on this project more than if it had some generic name like "TestProject."

Currently IlluminEngine builds only as a 64-bit application on Windows using Visual Studio 2017. A project for Visual Studio 2015 exists, but is not maintained.


This project is following exercises from http://learnopengl.com/ while using SDL exercises from http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/index.php

Legal / Special Thanks

  • Thanks to Sean T. Barrett for the super easy and tiny stb-library
  • Thanks to ocornut for the powerful yet easy Dear ImGui interface
  • Legal documentation for ImGui, GLEW, GLM, and SDL can be found in /docs