✨ new shiny website for dust and noise measuring project 👉 sensor.community
inside the folder install the dependencies...
npm install
or with yarn
yarn install
...then start Rollup:
npm run dev or sapper dev
alternative use yarn
yarn install
yarn dev or sapper dev
Navigate to localhost:3000.
You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src
, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.
By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost. To allow connections from other computers, edit the sirv
commands in package.json to include the option --host
Website is based on Svelte 3 and Sapper. Please consider reading the documentation.
- Create locale file
duplicate locales/en.json
file and rename it to language by iso-3166-alpha2 coding, for example fr for French.
Translate the values in the locale file:
"nav": {
"home": "Accueil", <- "Accueil" is the value
Now duplicate content/airrohr/en
folder and rename it again to language by iso-3166-alpha2 coding.
It's written in markdown. To get used to the markdown syntax, visit www.markdownguide.org.
FYI You can leave the filename. The title will be taken from the beginning of each file, see picture above.
- Add new language to the init18n.js
Go to src/utils/initI18n.js
. Add the new language, in this case it's French.
First add the path to the locale file, then add it to the resources.
import fr from '../../locales/fr'; // path to the locale file
function initI18n(lng = 'en') {
resources: {
Go to src/routes/[lang]/_layout.svelte
and extend the array with the new language.
<script context="module">
const LANGUAGES = ["en", "de", "fr"]; // <- add new lanuage in the array
const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en";
export async function preload(page) {...
- Add language to the navbar
To add the language in the navbar go to src/components/LanguageSwitcher.svelte
. Scroll down to around Line 24 and add this line with the corresponding language.
const langauges = [
"gb", "de", "fr", "it", "sk", "ru" // <- add new lanuage in the array
- Add endpoints
Duplicate inside src/routes/endpoints/airrohr
or src/routes/endpoints/dnms
then en
folder to the iso-3166-alpha2, e.g. fr
. Inside the index.json.js
file change line 8.
import send from '@polka/send';
import generate_docs from '../../../../utils/generate_docs.js';
let json;
export function get(req, res) {
if (!json || process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
json = JSON.stringify(generate_docs('airrohr/fr')); // <- change the lanuage iso-code
send(res, 200, json, {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
The website is in early development, and may have the rough edge here and there.
yarn export or sapper export
copy content of __sapper__/export
to a ftp server
Happy coding 🎉 🙌