
Source for the IaC Static Site Demo

Primary LanguagePython



This project is a demonstration of AWS capability for hosting single page applications on AWS.

Sadly this template can only be deployed "as-is" in the us-east-1 region, as CloudFront requires ACM certs in that specific region.

Technologies/Techniques leveraged and demonstrated

  • Deployment Automation
    • Cloudformation
    • CodePipeline
    • CodeDeploy, and
    • CodeStar Connections (for connectivity to GitHub)
  • Route53
  • CloudFront
    • CloudFront Distributions
    • CloudFront S3 Origin
    • Custom Domain Names and SSL Termination
    • Origin Access Identities
    • CloudFront Functions
      • Request Processing for SPA required rewrites
      • Response Processing for injection of headers (confirming which environment a user is seeing)
  • Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM)
    • Generation and management of public site certificates
  • Private S3 Buckets for serving public content
    • Cheap and secure hosting of static assets


  • You must have a public domain name setup and associated with your Isengard account

Taking it for a spin

  • Git clone this repo
  • Deploy ./CloudFormation/cf_static_s3_site.yaml using CloudFormation
  • Setup/activate the created CodeStar Connection via CodePipeline (CodePipeline > Settings > Connections)
  • Release a change for the pipeline (they initially fail on creation due to the connection not being setup initially)
  • Access the site using the CF Stack Output "TestSiteAddress"
  • Make changes to the site code and push the "main" branch
  • Monitor progress through CodePipeline, DeviceFarm and various other supporting services
  • Access the live site using the CF Stack Output "LiveSiteAddress"
  • Review testing results through CodeDeploy
  • Provide feedback to jonesaws@amazon.com


  • Empty the Site S3 bucket created by the CF stack (CF Stack output "SiteS3BucketName")
  • Empty the Asset S3 bucket created by the CF stack (CF Stack output "AssetS3BucketName")
  • Delete the stack via CloudFormation
  • Cleanup the ACM verification CNAME created in your Route53 Zone(s) (frustratingly, they don't get cleaned up with the stack)