Route53 Application Recovery Controller Demo

This is still very much a work in progress, please contact with questions and/or feedback.


Public Route53 Hosted Zone (this is not included in the scope of this demo and must be setup seperately).

CloudFormation Templates



Application template, deployed into both a primary and secondary region. The template deploys the following basic application architecture:

Application Architecture

Route53 Application Recovery Controller Common Components


Must be deployed into us-east-1

This template deploys shared components including:

  • S3 Bucket
  • Cloudwatch Synthetics Canary
  • Route53
    • Healthchecks
    • Weighted RecordSet
  • Route53 Arc
    • Cluster
    • Control Panel
    • Safety Rule
    • Routing Controls
    • Recovery Group
    • Cells
    • Global ResourceSet
    • Global Readiness Check

Route53 Application Recovery Controller Cell Components


Must be deployed into us-east-1

Deployed once per cell into us-east-1 and creates cell specific components including:

  • Route53 Arc
    • Resource Sets
    • Readiness Checks