Primary LanguagePython

Rock Paper Scissors


This Python script brings the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game to life, allowing two opponents to engage in a battle of wits. Players take turns entering their choices, and the winner is determined by the traditional rules of the game. The code features input validation to ensure a smooth and error-free gaming experience. This project is not only a fun implementation of the game but also serves as a great example of user input handling and conditional logic in Python.

Languages and Utilities Used

  • Python

Environments Used

  • Replit

Program walk-through:

Welcome Message:

The program starts with a friendly welcome message.

Player Input:

Each player is prompted to enter their choice (Rock, Paper, or Scissors). Input is validated to ensure it's a valid choice.

Note: Player choices are concealed for added excitement.

Choices Displayed:

The program displays the choices made by both players.

Winner Determination:

The winner is determined based on the Rock, Paper, Scissors rules. The result is displayed, declaring the winner or indicating a tie.

Launch the utility:
Replit image

Link to replit