In this exercise we will apply CNN to decode Brain-Wave or EEG data. The data-set was recorded at the University of Freiburg and appeared in Deep learning with convolutional neural networks for EEG decoding and visualization. The authors describe it as follows:
"Our “High-Gamma Dataset” is a 128-electrode dataset (of which we later only use 44 sensors covering the
motor cortex, (see Section 2.7.1), obtained from 14 healthy subjects (6 female, 2 left-handed, age
The dataset is available online. We have prepared a download script for you. To get the data run
cd data
Be patient. The script will take approximately an hour to complete.
Run nox -s test
to check if the data-loading works properly.
The plot below shows the first four EEG sensors of a recording.
Examine the data yourself.
Train a CNN to recognize the four actions given only the EEG data.
Preprocessing code from the paper-authors is already ready for in src/
. To get started have a look at src/
and load the data via:
from src.load_eeg import load_train_valid_test
low_cut_hz = 0
subject_id = 1
train_filename = os.path.join('./data', 'train/{:d}.mat'.format(subject_id))
test_filename = os.path.join('./data',
# Create the dataset
train_set, valid_set, test_set = load_train_valid_test(
train_filename=train_filename, test_filename=test_filename,
Use as much of your code from the last two days as possible. You can re-use your image-processing code by treating the EEG signals as images with single rows and 44 "color"-channels. Implement your solution in src/
. Follow the instructions and make sure you implement everything marked with a TODO