
React component library, which can be used to build trip planner webapps.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

OTP-UI React Component Library


React component library, which can be used to build trip planner webapps.


Getting Started

 git checkout https://github.com/opentripplanner/otp-ui.git
 yarn install
 yarn dev # (opens storybook to running component library on localhost:5555)


Some packages in otp-ui depend on sibling packages (e.g., @opentripplanner/core-utils is used by many of its siblings). In order to test a package with local changes you have made to its sibling, you can run the following find/replace operations to make sure you're depending on your latest work (and not the released version):

  1. In the package.json files for packages in which you want to test the sibling, find and replace (package-to-test being the package with local changes -- make sure these are committed to first to avoid the find/replace operations below polluting your work):

    "@opentripplanner/package-to-test": "current-version"


    "@opentripplanner/package-to-test": "file:../package-to-test"

  2. In your source files, find and replace:




  3. Run: yarn && yarn dev


A Monorepo with multiple packages and a shared build, test, and release process.

  • ๐Ÿ‰ Lerna โ€Š- The Monorepo manager
  • ๐Ÿ“ฆ Yarn Workspacesโ€Š - โ€ŠSane multi-package management
  • ๐Ÿš€ Reactโ€Š - โ€ŠJavaScript library for user interfaces
  • ๐Ÿ’… styled-componentsโ€Š -โ€Š CSS in JS elegance
  • ๐Ÿ›  Babelโ€Š - โ€ŠCompiles next-gen JavaScript
  • ๐Ÿ“– Storybook - UI Component Environment
  • ๐Ÿƒ Jestโ€Š -โ€Š Unit/Snapshot Testing


  • yarn dev - This starts Storybook for viewing all the components locally.
  • yarn bootstrap - This installs all of the packages and links dependent packages together.
  • yarn preppublish - This babelfies all of the packages and creates /lib folders for each one.
  • yarn unit - Run jest unit tests.
  • yarn coverage - Shows jest unit coverage.
  • npx lerna changed - Show which packages have changed.
  • npx lerna diff - Show specifically what files have cause the packages to change.
  • npx lerna create <packageName> - Creates new package and walks through setting up package.json


This project uses semantic-release to create releases to NPM. It is expect that contributors create Conventional Commit messages. These are then parsed by semantic-release which will automatically create an appropriate release for each package whenever a branch is merged to master.

Sometimes when creating new releases, it will be necessary to update numerous packages within this repo at once to a newer internal package version. For this purpose there is the update-internal-dependencies script. This should be ran manually as needed. By default, yarn update-internal-dependencies will update all dependencies with the @opentripplanner scope in all packages within this project. To only update specific dependencies, it is possible to run something like yarn update-internal-dependencies core-utils base-map. This would update all dependencies on either the @opentripplanner/base-map or the @opentripplanner/core-utils in all packages in this project.