
A Dockerimage to run smashbox from

Primary LanguageShell

Smashbox test environment


To run a test just run the following:

docker run -e OC_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=superSecret123 \
	-e OC_SERVER= \
	-e OC_ROOT=owncloud \
	-e OC_ADMIN_USER=admin \
	-e OC_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password \
	deepdiver/smashbox-docker:latest \

This runs:

bin/smash lib/test_basicSync.py

To run all test suits with all test sets replace lib/test_basicSync.py by -a lib/.

Environment variables

Following environment variables are supported

  • OC_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD (default: qwertzuiopüasdfghjk) this setting will provide the password that will be used for all created users
  • OC_SERVER IP address of the ownCloud instance
  • OC_ROOT the webroot of the ownCloud instance (i.e. set this to owncloud for an instance at
  • OC_ADMIN_USER (default: at_admin) username of the admin user of that instance
  • OC_ADMIN_PASSWORD (default: admin) password of the admin user of that instance