Training a face Recognizer using ResNet50 + ArcFace in TensorFlow 2.0

The aim of this project is to train a state of art face recognizer using TensorFlow 2.0. The architecture chosen is a modified version of ResNet50 and the loss function used is ArcFace, both originally developed by deepinsight in mxnet.

The dataset used for training is the MS1M-ArcFace dataset used in insightface, and it is available their dataset zoo. The images are aligned using mtcnn and cropped to 112x112.

The results of the training are evaluated with lfw, cfp_ff, cfp_fp and age_db30, using the same metrics as deepinsight.

The full training and evaluation code is provided, as well as some trained weights.

A Dockerfile is also provided with all prerequisites installed.


If you are not using the provided Dockerfile, you will need to install the following packages:

pip3 install tensorflow-gpu==2.0.0b1 pillow mxnet matplotlib==3.0.3 opencv-python== scikit-learn

Preparing the dataset

Download the MS1M-ArcFace dataset from insightface model zoo and unzip it to the dataset folder.

Convert the dataset to the tensorflow format:

cd dataset
mkdir converted_dataset

Training the model

For training using 1 GPU:


For training using multiple GPU:


The training process can be followed loading the generated log file (in output/logs) with tensorboard.

Evaluating the model

The model can be evaluated using the lfw, cfp_ff, cfp_fp and age_db30 databases. The metrics are the same used in insightface.

Before launching the test, you may change the checkpoint path in the script.


Trained models

model A
model name train db normalization layer reg loss batch size gpus total_steps download
model A casia batch normalization uncontrolled 16*8 1 150k model a
dbname accuracy
lfw 0.9772
cfp_ff 0.9793
cfp_fp 0.8786
age_db30 0.8752
model B
model name train db normalization layer reg loss batch size gpus total_steps download
model B ms1m batch renormalization uncontrolled 16*8 1 768k model b
dbname accuracy
lfw 0.9962
cfp_ff 0.9964
cfp_fp 0.9329
age_db30 0.9547
model C (multigpu)
model name train db normalization layer reg loss batch size gpus download
model C ms1m batch renormalization uncontrolled 384 3 model c
dbname accuracy
lfw 0.9967
cfp_ff 0.9970
cfp_fp 0.9403
age_db30 0.9652


  1. InsightFace mxnet
  2. InsightFace : Additive Angular Margin Loss for Deep Face Recognition
  3. InsightFace_TF
  4. Batch Renormalization
  5. Group Normalization
  6. Multi GPU Central Storage Strategy