Finetune Llama_v2

As a data scientist and language model enthusiast, I am constantly exploring cutting-edge NLP technologies, and fine-tuning LLM opens up endless possibilities in natural language understanding and generation. In this repository, you will find a started code for Llama v2 model.

📚 What is Llama v2? Llama v2 is an advanced language model developed by the brilliant minds at Meta. It has been pretrained on a massive corpus of text data, making it a powerful tool for understanding and generating human-like text.

💡 Why Fine-Tuning? Fine-tuning the Llama v2 model allows us to customize it for specific language tasks and domains. By exposing the model to task-specific data and tweaking its parameters, we can make it excel in a wide range of NLP applications.

🔍 Benefits of Fine-Tuned LLM:

1️⃣ Improved Task Performance: Fine-tuning LLM helps it better understand the nuances of the target language task, leading to improved performance.

2️⃣ Versatility: A fine-tuned LLM can be used for various NLP tasks, such as text classification, sentiment analysis, and language generation.

3️⃣ Domain Adaptation: Tailoring LLM to specific domains enables it to excel in industry-specific applications, such as healthcare, finance, and more.