News Research Tool using OpenAI API, Langchain, FAISS and Streamlit

Problem Statement

Research Analysts currently face challenges in efficiently conducting news research due to the vast amount of information available and the lack of streamlined tools. There is a need for a comprehensive News Research. This is enabled with the use of LLM models from either OpenAI / HuggingFace, Langchain, Faiss - acts as vector database, and Streamlit - to provide UI libraries in Python to enhance the research process and improve efficiency.

Topics Covered

  • Loaders - TextLoader, UnstructuredURLLoader
  • Text Splitters
  • FAISS - Index and Vector Database
  • Retrieval (RetrievalQAWithSourcesChain)
  • Streamlit UI and Project Coding

Please go through the notebooks in the research folder to know how the above features are implemented.

Running the app

  1. Install the requirements - pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Store your OpenAI API Key in .env file which is to be located in the root folder of this project. It should be in the following format.
  1. Run the app - streamlit run

The Application

News Research Tool