Blockchain Hyperledger-Fabric AWS-QLDB AWS-MSB

A quick Rundown of this Repo-

This repo primarily intends to offer distillation of my experience in 3 major Blcokchain frameworks - HLF, QLDB & MSB. Please note:

  • There are very many other popular Blockchain frameworks and tools available in the market in addition to the chosen ones in this repo. This repo primarily intends to canvass for 3 following major framework/services for Blcokchain

    • Hyperledger-Fabric
    • AWS-QLDB (AWS Quantum Ledger Database)
    • AWS-MSB (AWS Managed Blockchain)
  • Many of these aforemention Blcokchain framework/services are very popular, and are being extensively used.

  • This repo is illustrative in nature.

Following Real world application of one of above Blockhain service is exhibited in the repo

  • Application of Blockchain Network for ENTERPRISE DATA LAKE ENGINEERING and for DATA ARCHITECTS
  • Digital Asset Management
  • TRUSTED DATA PLATFORM (System-Of-Enagements)

For the ease of addressing, hereon, I'll use following pairs of terms interchangably -

  • Hyperledger-Fabric as HLF
  • Hyperledger as HL
  • AWS MSB as MSB

Blcokchain Quick Overview

Blockchain Technology is also addressed as - The Next Stage of Internet - The Trustless system of Values (wherein TRUST is injected by crptography, game theory and other technologies; rather than human being) - Technology quite bigger and broader than Bitcon

A Blockchain is

  • A Transparent, Cryptographically Trusted Dapp/dApp (Decentralized application) system used for management & exchange of Digital assets like Ownership title, Medical Datasets, CryptoCurrency without the need of any external human/other wise driven system for TRUST.

  • A cryptographic database maintained by a network of computers, each of which stores a copy of the most up-to-date version of Ledger. It uses Blockchain Protocol for TRUST in Transaction and Ledger management.

  • A Blockchain protocol is a set of rules that dictate how the computers in the network, called nodes, should

    • verify new transactions and
    • add them to the database*.
  • The Blockchain protocol offers Consensus building mechanism by employing

    • Cryptography,
    • Game theory, and
    • Economics

to create incentives for the nodes to work - toward securing the network instead of attacking it for personal gain.

  • If the Blcokchain is set up correctly, this system can make it extremely difficult and expensive to add false transactions but relatively easy to verify valid ones.
  • Blcokchain comes baked in with Data Provenance by offering
    • immutable and
    • cryptographically verifiable record of transactions

Why Blockchain Matters More Than You Think

6 MINS VIDEO Explaining Why Blockchain Matters More Than You Think! 16 MINS VIDEO Explaining How Blockchain is Already Taking Over!

Multiple Blockchain Frameworks

Just a sneak peek into Blcokchain Frameworks through Infographics:

Blcokchain Framework Conceptual difference Broader View of Blcokchain Framework Commonly used Blcokchain Framework
Click on above image for full view Click on above image for full view Click on above image for full view

A Sneak Peek into the FEATURES of widely used Blockchain frameworks

Sneak Peek into the FEATURES of various commonly known Blockchain frameworks:

Blcokchain Frameworks do vary based on distinct needs, i.e., please choose the right framework from very many Blockchain technology options based on whether you need

  • a Centralized ledger database {such as Etherum (Public)/ AWS QLDB (Private)},
  • or a Multi-party {Channel Management for multiple stakeholder Scenario - such as Hyperledger Fabric},
  • or a Fully managed blockchain network that helps eliminate intermediaries {such as, AWS Managed Blockchian on HLF}

However, The commonality amongst All of the types of available frameworks

  • DAPP: Blcokchain is a DAPPs (Decentralized Applications).
  • Data Provenance: Blcokchain comes baked in with Data Provenance by offering immutable and cryptographically verifiable record of transactions
  • each offers an immutable and cryptographically verifiable record of transactions
  • each one is also available in DOCKER (containers)



  • Full Scale Operationalization Paradigm for Blockchain
  • It's application of DevOps in Blockchain lifecycle management.

One can use Kubernetes (CaaS) & Containerization (Docker) to seamlessly manage and govern by orchasterating

  • any containerized Blockchain network lifecycle with
    • the High availability,
    • Auto Scalability,
    • Self healing
  • any kind of Blockchain workloads
    • Smart Contracts,
    • Member registry,
    • et al

When to use Which Framework

Q. What Blockchain technology/framework should I choose on depending upon varying needs, such as

  • public or private Network,
  • Permissioned Network or permissionless Network,
  • Centralized ledger,
  • Multi-party et al? ANS: Blcokchain Frameworks do vary based on distinct needs. Here goes a quick look into the right framework from very many Blockchain technology options based on varying needs-
  • a Centralized ledger database {such as Etherum (Public)/ AWS QLDB (Private)},
  • or a Multi-party {Channel Management for multiple stakeholder Scenario - such as Hyperledger Fabric},
  • or a Fully managed blockchain network that helps eliminate intermediaries {such as, AWS Managed Blockchian on HLF/EThrum}

Q. When to use Hyperledger Fabric & When to use Etherum? ANS: Hyperledger Fabric is well-suited for applications that require stringent privacy and permission controls with a known set of members.

  • for example, a financial application where certain trade-related data is only shared with select banks

Whereas, Ethereum is well-suited for highly distributed blockchain networks where transparency of data for all members is important,

  • for example, a customer loyalty blockchain network that allows any retailer in the network to independently verify a user's activity across all members to redeem benefits.
  • Ethereum can also be used for joining a public Ethereum blockchain network.


Businesses & Regulatory compliance (e.g., GDPR) often need a system-of-record application with

  • (a) Auditing capability to keep track of critical data,
  • (b) establish Data provenance,
  • (c) Verifiability in order to evolve it to the maturity of TRUSTED SOR or Systems-of-engagement (DWH/ Data lake).

We all know, building TRUST (audit functionality & Verifiability) with Next Gen Distributed Relational databases/NOSQL Distributed Databases

  • requires custom development,
  • is time-consuming,
  • prone to human error,
  • as in case of relational databases/ NOSQL DBs are not inherently immutable, any unintended changes to the data are hard to track and verify. verifiability is tougher implementation ask.


"Blcokchain" vis-a-vis "Today’s Systems-of-Record": {A VERY IMP PERSPECTIVE for ENTERPRISE DATA PROCESSING & DATA LAKE ARCHITECTS}

"Today’s Systems-of-Record" is a
 - *'Distributed Database/ Ledger Management system'* 
 - wherein all the members of a **business network** transact with each other, 
 - but they maintain **separate records of their transactions**.
-Whereas "Blcokchain" is the Future network which answers aforemention inherent challanges with traditional SOR 
 - with *'Distributed' & 'Decentralized' Database/ Ledger Management system* 
 - wherein auditing, record keeping and **Data provenance** comes baked in 

SOR vs Blcokchain from Business Network standpoint:

"Today’s Systems-of-Record" (Distributed Database or Ledger) "Blcokchain" (The Future network of Distributed and Decentralized Database or Ledger)
Click on above image for full view Click on above image for full view
private programs & private Ledger for Every participant shared programs and shared ledgers for Every participant

Hyperledger Fabric HLF

  • The Linux Foundation founded the Hyperledger project in Y2015 to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies.

  • HLF is one of the Framework from "HL Framework & Tools ecosystem" with the primary objective to provide Permissioned with Channel Support. i.e., HLF is one of the blockchain projects within Hyperledger.

  • Like other blockchain technologies (Etherum), it also has

    • a ledger,
    • uses smart contracts,
    • participants manage their transactions,
    • Data Provenance* by offering immutable and cryptographically verifiable record of transactions
  • Unlike other Blockchain technologies (Ethereum), it differs as

    • private and permissioned,
    • No open permissionless system,
    • No unpermissioned entry to any member/unknown identities to participate in the network,
    • No PoW ( “proof of work” protocol to validate transactions and secure the network),
    • Membership Service Provider (MSP): Restricted Entry to Members of a Hyperledger Fabric network enroll through a trusted MSP.

Overview of Hyperledger Framework and Tools

Broader ecosystem of HL Framework & Tools:


Key Concpets of Hyperledger FABRIC

Blockchain network
A blockchain network is a technical infrastructure that provides ledger and smart contract (chaincode) services to applications
Block and Chain
A block contains an ordered set of transactions. It is cryptographically linked to the preceding block, and in turn it is linked to be subsequent blocks.

The ledger’s chain is a transaction log structured as hash-linked blocks of transactions. Suuch as, Blockchain B contains blocks 0, 1, 2.
Smart Contract
A smart contract is code (invoked by a client application external to the blockchain network) that manages access and modifications to a set of *key-value pairs* in the *World State* via Transaction.
Chain Code
In Hyperledger Fabric, smart contracts are packaged as chaincode. Chaincode is installed on peers and then defined and used on one or more channels.
World State
*World state* maintains  “current state” of transaction in Ledger, and such data is stored in a state database for efficient reads and queries from chaincode. Supported databases include - *couchDB*.
A channel is a private blockchain *overlay* which allows for data isolation and confidentiality. A channel-specific ledger is shared across the peers in the channel, and transacting parties must be authenticated to a channel in order to interact with it. Channels are defined by a *Configuration-Block*.
Membership Service Provider
MSP refers to an abstract component of the system that provides credentials to clients, and peers for them to participate in HLF.
Ordering Service
Also known as orderer. A defined collective of nodes that orders transactions into a block and then distributes blocks to connected peers for validation and commit. The ordering service exists independent of the peer processes and orders transactions on a first-come-first-serve basis for all channels on the network.

HLF also leverages Gossip Protocol & Raft Algo for following 3 major functions: - 1) manages peer discovery and channel membership; - 2) disseminates ledger data across all peers on the channel; - 3) syncs ledger state across all peers on the channel

The same protocol and Algo is used in Progrium Consul (a distributed computing CONSENSUS Algo for Leader election and worker management), and it is applied in Seneca (a Microservice Framework on Nodejs)

Hyperledger FABRIC, Hyperledger COMPOSER, Hyperledger EXPLORER

Hyperledger FABRIC:

- A very popular Blockchain Network from Hyperledger ecosystem. 
- Whereas other Blockchain Network from Hyperledger ecosystem, such as Hyperledger SAWTOOTH is the 2nd popular network.

Hyperledger EXPLORER:

User-friendly Web application tool from Hyperledger ecosystem to used to 
- view, invoke, deploy or query 
   - blocks,
   - transactions and associated data, 
   - network information (name, status, list of nodes), 
   - chain codes and transaction families, 
   - as well as any other relevant information stored in the ledger.

Reference: Official Link Reference: Video Demo

Hyperledger COMPOSER:

The Hyperledger Composer Playground provides a user interface for the 
- configuration, deployment and testing of a business network. 
- Advanced Playground features permit users to manage 
 	- the security of the business network, 
	- invite participants to business networks and 
	- connect to multiple blockchain business networks.

Reference: Official Link Reference: Video Demo

DOCKER Hyperledger FABRIC Hyperledger EXPLORER

Hyperledger EXPLORER Official Link of Hyperledger Explorer Hyperledger COMPOSER Official Link of Hyperledger Composer

AWS Quantum Ledger Database QLDB

Overview of AWS QLBD


  • provides a centralized ledger for auditing and record keeping purposes

  • Offers Verifiability - verifies integrity of past records

  • is Scalable

  • is Serverless

  • can be provisoned with AWS ClouFormation (IaC) with additional user level control from clinet side with IAM & ACL

  • can trigger AWS Lambda events to process other downstream workflows

  • can integrate with other AWS PaaS Services


AWS QLDB supports low-level python client (AWS SDK for Python Boto 3 API)

Using Python, one can perform following operations on Amazon QLDB

  • Create a New Ledger
  • Test Connectivity to the Ledger
  • Create Tables, Indexes, and Sample Data
  • Query the Tables in a Ledger
  • Modify Documents in a Ledger
  • View the Revision History for a Document
  • Verify a Document in a Ledger

Please refer to the link for more details.

AWS Managed Blcokchain AMB

Please refer Live demo link from 12MINS onward

Key Concpets of AMB

Please Refer Link for AMB Client Template



Businesses, Regulatory compliance (e.g., GDPR) often need a Data Lake / Data Foundation / System-of-Engagmemt to have Comprehensive Data Trust pillars (audit, provenance, Lineage, Verifiability). But, the Organization (a large FinTech Org) wants to have Furute-gen architecture which can provide

  • enablement of the Comprehensive Data Trust pillars (audit, provenance, Lineage, Verifiability)@port-of-entry of System-of-Engagmemt

      - auditing capability to keep track of critical data 
      - Data Provenance 
      - complete history of assets / Data Lineage
      - Verifiability : a verification mechanism to verify integrity of past records
  • Post enablement of DATA TRUST pillars @port-of-entry, it should be able to trigger serverless-processing or serverless-workflows for

      - caching the history for querying in Amazon Elasticsearch, 
      - transforming and loading the data into an Amazon Redshift cluster, and 
      - also storing the data in an Amazon S3 data lake.
  • for critical events/ datasets originating from Streaming sources / Batch sources

     - for critical events originating from Streaming sources, such as "*credit* and *debit transactions* across bank accounts", and also
     - for critical datasets originating from Batch sources, such as "*history of assets* for Loan lending to Orgs/customers like vehicle maintenance records /or/ Lending application records".

Solution Architecture using AWS QLDB

Architecture Solution using QLDB for above use case application:

Application of Blockchain for CIRCULAR SUPPLY CHAIN with IoT

Business Techo Problem statement


  • Continuous Monitoring & Notification for SAFE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION for raw crop produce SHIPMENTs in TRANSPORATION

  • right credit attribution to the Farmers

  • Enabling SMOOTH ADOPTION of blockchain (HL FABRIC)

    • how to right size the load for blockchain?
    • How to cost optimize the adoption of blockchain?
    • how to manage, deploy, autoscale, descale container Blockchian network (HL FABRIC)?
    • how to monitor the nodes used for blockchain network cluster?
    • how to secure member's keys created for each member for accessing blockchain network? Possibly securing/fortifying keys in hardware using AWSCloud HSM.

Please Note The fundatmental technology of blockchain is crpytography. Crptography works on KEYS. Hence, Keys become very important part of the solution.

Solution Architecture using HyperledgerFABRIC DOCKER AWS EKS IOT HSM

Architecture Solution using AWS Managed Blockchain for above use case application:

Solution Architecture






Contact info

Feel free to contact me to discuss any issues, questions, or comments.

My contact info can be found on my GitHub page.


I, The DeepHiveMind, am providing code and resources in this repository to you under custom Copyright & license (Copyright 2019 DeepHiveMind & Creative Commons Legal Code CC0 1.0 Universal). Please Refer to the [Copyright 2019 DeepHiveMind License] for further details as to this. Thanks!