This is the source code for Lin H, Yao L, Yang B, et al. Towards User-Driven Neural Machine Translation. ACL 2021, developed based on OpenNMT-py.


  • Pretrain: WMT17 ZH-EN
  • Finetune: UDT-Corpus (download)

We provide the pre-extracted cache keywords in UDT-Corpus. If you would like to extract your own cache keywords, put your *.uid and meta.bin file in data/user/ (please refer to the README in UDT-Corpus for their format) and run the following command :

# Extract topic/context cache for train data with 8 processes. 
python make_cache.py -p 8 -m train -tl 25 -cl 35 -s data/user/mycache
# Extract similar/dissimilar user cache for test data with 8 processes.
python make_nb_cache.py -p 8 -m test -tl 25 -cl 35 -s data/user/mycache

Then the cache keywords (topic cache length=25, context cache length=35) will be generated in data/user/mycache.


pip install -r requirements.opt.txt


  • After downloading the raw data, put them under data/wmt17 and data/user, seperately.
  • Run the following command to preprocess WMT17 and UDT-Corpus (including cache data):
    bash udnmt_tools/preprocess_pipeline.sh


bash udnmt_tools/train_pipeline.sh

Training log will be saved under onmt-runs/wmt17-xxx/, models are under onmt-runs/wmt17-xxx/models/, and evaluation resuls are under onmt-runs/wmt17-xxx/test/.


  • Modify -CHECKPOINT in finetune_pipeline.sh (L16) to the best model got from pretraining.
  • Run the following command:
    bash udnmt_tools/finetune_pipeline.sh

Training log will be saved under onmt-runs/user-xxx/, models are under onmt-runs/user-xxx/models/, and evaluation resuls are under onmt-runs/user-xxx/test/.


If you would like to use this project or UDT-Corpus, please cite from the proceedings of ACL 2021:

	title = "Towards User-Driven Neural Machine Translation",
	author = "Lin, Huan  and
	Yao, Liang  and
	Yang, Baosong  and
	Liu, Dayiheng  and
	Zhang, Haibo  and
	Luo, Weihua  and
	Huang, Degen  and
	Su, Jinsong",
	booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
	month = aug,
	year = "2021",
	address = "Online",
	publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
	doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.acl-long.310",
	pages = "4008--4018",