
Replication package for ICSE2022 paper: On the Evaluation of Neural Code Summarization

Primary LanguagePython

On the Evaluation of Neural Code Summarization

This is the replication package for "On the Evaluation of Neural Code Summarization" accepted to ICSE2022.


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We build a shared code summarization toolbox containing:

  • 12 raw and processed datasets,
  • 4 code pre-processing operations and 16 combination implementations,
  • 6 BLEU variants implementation,
  • re-implement code for the paper without code,
  • all predicted logs in our paper.



The overview of dataset:

Name Training validation Test #Class #project Description
TLC 69,708 8,714 8,714 9,732 Original TL-CodeSum
TLC_Dedup 69,708 8,714 6,449 Deduplicated TL-CodeSum
CSN 454,044 15,299 26,897 136,495 25,596 Filtered CodeSearchNet
CSN_Project_Medium 454,044 15,299 26,897 136,495 25,596 split by project
CSN_Class_Medium 448,780 19,716 28,192 136,495 25,596 split by class
CSN_Method_Medium 447,019 19,867 29,802 136,495 25,596 split by method
CSN_Method_Small 69,708 19,867 29,802 Subset of CSN_Method_Medium
FCM 1,908,694 104,948 104,777 28,790 Filtered Funcom
FCM_Project_Large 1,908,694 104,948 104,777 28,790 Split by project
FCM_Method_Large 1,908,694 104,948 104,777 28,790 Split by method
FCM_Method_Medium 454,044 104,948 104,777 Subset of FCM_Method_Large
FCM_Method_Small 69,708 104,948 104,777 Subset of FCM_Method_Large

These raw or processed datasets can be downloaded from here

Data Pre-processing


    cd codepreprocessing/
    python preprocess.py -h [-OPTIONS...]


      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -data_filename DATA_FILENAME
                            The path of raw dataset
      -java_files_dir JAVA_FILES_DIR
                            The directory to save extracted Java file
      -output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                            The directory to save processed files
      -djl                  Parse source code using javalang
      -dfp                  Filter punctuation in code tokens
      -dsi                  Split identifiers according to camelCase and
      -dlc                  Lowercase code tokens
      -dr                   Replace string and number witt generic symbols
                            <STRING> and <NUM> in code tokens
      -cfp                  Filter punctuation in summaries
      -csi                  Split summary token according to camelCase and
      -clc                  Lowercase summary tokens
      -sbt_type {1,2}       1:SBT_AO; 2:SBT


   - If not specified, the default [`data_filename'] is [`original/data.pkl`]
   - If not specified, the default [`java_files_dir'] is [`./java_files`]
   - If not specified, the default [`output_dir'] is [`./processed`]
   - If not specified, the default [-djl], [-dfp], [-dsi], [-dlc], [-dr], [-cfp], [-csi] and [-clc] are False
   - If not specified, the default [`sbt_type'] is [`2`]

    python preprocess.py -djl
        This example will use javalang to tokenize the all Java methods.

    python preprocess.py -djl -dsi -dlc 
        This example will use javalang to tokenize all Java methods.
        Then split identifiers according to camelCase and snake_case and lowercase them.
   - data.pkl saves a dict. 
   The keys  are ['train', 'test', 'val']
   The values are {fid:item}. item is {"code":"xxx", "summary":"xxx"}
   - The tools are based on python3
   - The packages "spiral" and "javalang" are needed. You can install them by:
        pip install git+https://github.com/casics/spiral.git
        pip install  javalang==0.12.0


Models Source
Codenn https://github.com/sriniiyer/codenn
Deepcom ./Deepcom_Reimplement
Astattgru https://github.com/mcmillco/funcom
Rencos https://github.com/zhangj111/rencos
NCS https://github.com/wasiahmad/NeuralCodeSum

Evaluated Metric


    cd metric
    python evaluate.py 


    --refs_filename  The path of the reference file
    --preds_filename The path of the predicted file
    - If not specified, the default [`refs_filename'] is [`test/test.gold`]

    - If not specified, the default [`preds_filename'] is [`test/test.pred`]

    python evaluate.py 
    This example will calculate the six bleu variants scores between [`test/test.gold`] and [`test/test.pred`]
    |   18.94   | 18.3675 | 21.8686 | 27.9888 | 28.4195  | 18.9404 |
    - The tools are based on python3
    - The packages "nltk"(3.6.1 or newer, "numpy" and "prettytable" are needed. You can install them by:
        pip install nltk==3.6.1 numpy  prettytable==2.1.0

Predicted Logs

All Predicted Logs is saved in folder RQ.

Folder Structure (Complete structure can be found here)

    ├── RQ1
    │         ├── calculate_correlation.py
    │         ├── cal_human_agreement.py
    │         ├── correlatio_coefficient_log
    │         ├── human_aggrement_log
    │         ├── human_evaluation.xlsx
    │         ├── README.md
    │         ├── RQ1.ipynb
    │         ├── score.xlsx
    │         ├── TLC
    │         │         ├── astattgru
    │         │         │         └── test.pred
    │         │         ├── codenn
    │         │         │         └── test.pred
    │         │         ├── deepcom
    │         │         │         └── test.pred
    │         │         ├── ncs
    │         │         │         └── test.pred
    │         │         ├── rencos
    │         │         │         └── test.pred
    │         │         └── test.gold
    │         └── TLC_dedup
    │             ├── astattgru
    │             │         └── test.pred
    │             ├── codenn
    │             │         └── test.pred
    │             ├── deepcom
    │             │         └── test.pred
    │             ├── ncs
    │             │         └── test.pred
    │             ├── rencos
    │             │         └── test.pred
    │             └── test.gold

RQ1 BLEU Variants:

How do different evaluation metrics affect the performance of code summarization and which is correlate with the human perception the most?

All the experiment results including the human evaluation, the significant testing can be found here.

RQ2 Processing Method

How do different pre-processing operations affect the performance of code summarization?

All the experiment results including the significant testing can be found here.

RQ3 Evaluated Dataset

How do different datasets affect the performance?

All the experiment results including the significant testing can be found here.


If you use above data or source code , please consider citing our paper:

    title={On the evaluation of neural code summarization},
    author={Shi, Ensheng and Wang, Yanlin and Du, Lun and Chen, Junjie and Han, Shi and Zhang, Hongyu and Zhang, Dongmei and Sun, Hongbin},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering},
