
Basic Search Functionality implemented using NextJS, Express & MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Search Advertisements

Getting Started

  • After cloning the repo we need to install the dependencies for frontend as well as backend

  • For that we need to run the below command

        cd ./DeepTalekar-frontend
        yarn install
        cd ..
        cd ./DeepTalekar-backend
        yarn install
  • Now for setting up the backend you will need to have a MongoDB Database up & running with the connection string and the port number on which the backend should run on stored in the .env file in the DeepTalekar-backend directory

  • The content of the .env file should look like this:


Running the Backend Application

  • For running the backend in dev mode we need to run the following command

      cd ./DeepTalekar-backend
      yarn run dev

Running the Frontend Application

  • For running the frontend in dev mode we need to run the following command

      cd ./DeepTalekar-frontend
      yarn run dev
  • Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.