Intention Classifier is a module that analyzes the intention of the user’s utterance. This module modifies and combines “bi-RNN” and “Attention mechanism” to implement an Intention classification model.
- 2.1 Maintainer status: maintained
- 2.2 Maintainer: Wonhyuk Choi,
- 2.3 Author: Wonhyuk Choi,
- 2.4 License (optional):
- 2.5 Source git:
To analyze the intention of the user's utterance, this module consists of two parts: 1)keyword extraction, 2)intention analysis. To extract the keywords of the user's utterance, we used Google Dialogflow. This module use KoBERT( to implement an Intention classification model.
torch == 1.7.1
mxnet >= 1.4.0
gluonnlp >= 0.6.0
sentencepiece >= 0.1.6
onnxruntime >= 0.3.0
transformers < 4
scikit-learn >= 1.0
- Go to Author's Google Drive and download the JSON file (authorization key), and put it in the authorization folder.
docker environment
$ git clone $rpository_rul
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up dm
local environment(linux)
$ git clone $rpository_url
$ cd $repository
$ sh dm_intent/
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ roslaunch dm_intent dm_intent_launcher.launch
"header": {
"id": 1,
"source": "perception",
"target": ["dialog_intent", "planning"],
"timestamp": "1563980552.933543682",
"content": ["human_speech"]
"speech": "안녕하세요"
○ header (header/recognitionResult): contain information about published time, publisher name, receiver name and content.
- timestamp: published time
- source: publish module name
- target: receive module name
- content: role of this ROS topic name
○ dialog_intent (dialog_intent/recognitionResult): contain human speech and user name.
- speech: human speech
- name: user name
- information: keyword to use for intention classification
"header": {
"id": 1,
"timestamp": "1563980561.940629720",
"source": "dialog",
"target": ["planning"],
"content": ["dialog_intent"],
"dialog_intent": {
"speech": "좋아진 것 같아.",
"intent": "단순 정보 전달",
"information": {}
○ header (header/taskExecution): contain information about published time, publisher name, receiver name.
- timestamp: published time
- source: publish module name
- target: receive module name
- content: role of this ROS topic name
○ dialog_generation (dialog_generation/taskExecution): contain generated robot speech sentence, id, result.
- id: id
- dialog: generated robot speech
- result: task progress result
There are one category of parameters that can be used to configure the module: deep learning model.
8.1 model parameters
- Editing
- Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G., & Dean, J. Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space. arXiv:1301.3781. Retrieved from , 2013
- Jeongmin Yoon and Youngjoong Ko. Speech-Act Analysis System Based on Dialogue Level RNNCNN Effective on the Exposure Bias Problem. Journal of KIISE, 45, 9 (2018), 911-917, 2018