
This is a patch based Semantic Segmention Project Template

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Patch Based Semantic Segmention Project Template

this segmention project template is rooted in my daily experimental code(you can find them in my repo)

Project Struct


json file: parameter table of this project

utils: some auxiliary functions


data_loaders: to generate hdf5 datasets

experiments folder is also the palce to store datasets/experiment log/network checkpoints etc.


base: store template class of data_loader trainer infer model

model: store the definition of semantic segmention model

infer: how to predict

trainer: the way to train your model


starter of model training.First time you run the code,it will generate folder under experiments folder.This folder is where you store your dataset and find log,model definition


run this file to predict on experiments/(test_name)/test/origin/ data.

Set up Environment

make sure your PC/Server has:

  • python 3.5+
  • tensorflow 1.4+
  • keras 2.1.1+
  • opencv_python 3.0+
  • bund 1.2+

highly recommend installing anaconda to get python environment!