This repository contains the official implementation of the paper "Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Reduction by Plugging Diffusion Priors in Dual Domains" by [Xuan Liu et al.]. The paper introduces an unsupervised method for metal artifact reduction using diffusion priors.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Python (=3.9)
- Pytorch (=1.13.1)
- Torchvision (=0.14.1)
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download from Google Drive.
Please refer to SynDeepLesion.
python -c config/MAR.yaml
Important parameters in configuration yaml file:
# training data
# model
# diffusion
# train
# sample
model_path: 'Patch-diffusion-pretrained/' # Path of pre-trained model$
timestep_respacing: [10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10] # Acceleration
a: 0.4 # \delta(t) = (a-1)e^{-n\frac{t}{T}}+1
n: 4 # \delta(t) = (a-1)e^{-n\frac{t}{T}}+1
delta_y: 0.8 # \mathcal{M}_y = \mathcal{M}(\delta_y).
save_dir: 'results/DuDoDp-MAR' # Path of MAR results
data_path: './test_data/SynDeepLesion' # Path of test data
inner_dir: 'test_640geo/' # be 'apdcephfs/share_1290796/hazelhwang/mardataset/test_640geo/' for data from
# root
# ├── test_640geo_dir.txt
# ├── testmask.npy
# └── inner_dir
# ├── ...
# └── patient
# ├── ...
# └── slice
# ├── 0.h5
# ├── ...
# └── gt.h5
num_test_image: 1 # num of test image, 200 for all test images
num_test_mask: 10 # number of test masks
Big thanks to PatchDiffusion-Pytorch and guided-diffusion for providing the codes that facilitated the training of diffusion models, and SynDeepLesion for the test data.