
• Fetching the transactions of user from the given Web API. • This fetched data is used to create the Visualization Charts by using CanvasJS API. Live demo - https://esri-2607.netlify.com/

Primary LanguageHTML

Main files in the Assignment -

Transactions.js - It constructs a table containing all the transactions of the user with all the API parameters as its attributes.

these all the transactions are fetched from the given Web API ( there was some problem in fetching the transactions from the given Web API, so I downloaded the data and uploaded it on https://deepak2607.github.io/Esri_jsondata.json to fetch the transactions ).

There is a Search Box in its navigation bar which is used to find All the Transactions containing the searched keyword in their Transaction Details parameter.

Totals.js - It constructs a table containing the Total No. of Transactions & Total Amount Transferred (for each Date).

Pagination is also used in the above both tables, each page contains 9 records max.

Charts.js - It has links to the 4 charts

  • Column Chart of 'Total No. of Transactions vs Date'.

  • Column Chart of 'Total Amount Transferred vs Date'.

  • Pie Chart of 'Total No. of Transactions vs Date'.

  • Pie Chart of 'Total Amount Transferred vs Date'.

How to use the files -

  • Run npm install in the extracted folder.

  • Run npm start to view the project.

  • Screenshots are present in the uploaded folder.