
Explore practical examples of System Design implemented in Java. From design patterns to scalability, this repository provides concise, hands-on illustrations for building robust systems in Java. Dive in and elevate your understanding of system architecture.

Primary LanguageJava


Explore practical examples of System Design implemented in Java. From design patterns to scalability, this repository provides concise, hands-on illustrations for building robust systems in Java. Dive in and elevate your understanding of system architecture.

Git's Important command to add a local project to git hub

A. To add a project from a local computer to git-hub

FIRST DOWNLOAD git on your local machine [https://git-scm.com/downloads](https://git-scm.com/downloads)

1 Initialize Git in your local project directory:
  Open your terminal(in any IDE) or command prompt. -> Navigate to the root directory of your project.
   "git init"

2. Add your project files to the Git repository:
   "git add ."
3. Commit your changes:
    git commit -m "Your commit message here"

4. Add your username and email on you local git
   git config --global user.name "Your Name"
   git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"
5. Connect your local repository to the GitHub repository:
    In the GitHub repository you created, you will find the URL for your remote repository.
    Copy it (should look something like https://github.com/your- username/your-repo.git). 
    Now, in your terminal, link your local repository to the remote GitHub repository using the following command:
    "git remote add origin https://github.com/your-username/your-repo.git"

git frequently used commands

1st - checkout command 
"git checkout 'branch name'"

2nd - pulling code from  origin 
"git pull origin 'current branch name ' "

3rd- commands for pushing the code

    A -> command to check the status = "git status"
    B -> command to add the changes on local = "git add ."
    C -> command to commit the changes on  local with commit message = 'git commit -m "any message" '
    D -> command to pull existing code from origin (gitHub) = "git pull origin 'current branch name' " 
    E -> command to push the commit to origin (gitHUb) = "git push origin 'current brach name' "

 4th- command to create new branch from current branch 
    step1 -> "git pull origin 'current branch name ' "
    step2 -> "git checkout -b 'new branch name' "

 5th- command to checkout(switch) to other branch 

     "git checkout 'other branch name' 

B. Database-connection -MY Sql


C. JPA Setting
