As per the description the autocomplete url provided by amazon actually gives 10 suggestions for, every character you type, which i assumed it to be one of the top searched items for the word formed. Assumed that the time that my service can hit the API would be strictly 10 seconds . I believe these ar two assumptions that i made.
Once the user provides the keyword he wants to search.
- First it splits the keyword into sequentially increasing prefix until he gets the complete word.
- Lets say in case of iphone it splits the word into i,ip,iph,ipho, iphon, iphone.
- Once split the service makes call the amazon API with the prefix
- I attach a callable task to this which will be called by the executor service .
- Score is calculated based on the total number of matches found and the response list which is multiplied by 10 since each response list will be size of 10 and then its converted into a percentage.
Yeah i personally believe that the order is insignificant , not sure why Amazon API return the result in that order though . To put it with an example when i typed iphone , the first result was iphone 11 case which i felt may be wouldn't have been the really hot searched item , so yeah i personally believe the hint is correct .
Well i'm really not sure how accurate the result is .But i did test that the service always returned the same result every time i searched for a keyword , for example the score for batman toys was always 34. I believe that depends on the location as well not sure though but just a guess:)
- JDK 1.8.
- Spring boot .
- Maven .
Have not included any tests cases for the project .
- git clone
- cd sellics-challenge
- mvn clean install
- The above gives you the target folder.
- Go to target folder and run the jar created by java -jar sellics-challenge-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- The application runs now.
- Now hit the required en point .